As soon as Linda got back to her room, she shed all pretense. How could Selena even leave the police station? This is ridiculous! Pierre couldn't have possibly been powerful enough to secure her release from the police force in Yucaria, say less of getting an acquittal! Linda was clenching her fists. Selena can't live! Her being alive is a threat to my current position! She must die! No, this can't go on. I need to come up with a solution.

At the same time, the Oberlins also caught wind of Selena's acquittal and subsequent release. Bradley had been pacing up and down in his room in a frenzy as soon as he heard the news. When Jane heard the noise he was making, she hurried downstairs. "Daddy, what's wrong?"

"Selena got acquitted and released!"

"What? That's impossible!" Jane couldn't believe her ears. How could Pierre and Selena pull off such a feat?

The Oberlins themselves might have been able to pull something like that off, but both Pierre and Selena were not locals, so the law enforcers in Yucaria couldn't possibly have given them any leeway. "Jane, your plan failed miserably!"

didn't you tell me back then it was brilliant?" Jane

He was sitting on the sofa with his

Šelena should be as good as being convicted. Why is it that she ended up being acquitted?" Jane's mind was buzzing. Just when she thought she would be able to sit back and relax, Selena was released. "Did Jason help them out? Yeah,

of anybody else who would help Selena. However, she didn't expect someone as proud as Pierre to beg for Jason's help to rescue his wife. Is this true love that is only heard of in fairytales? The thought of it was enough to make

her in utter silence. Meanwhile, the elderly man who was sitting on the sofa had gray hair, which matched nicely with the white military uniform he wore. Despite his age, he seemed sturdy. As a military serviceman in Yucaria, his face showed a stoicism that

legs crossed while scrolling on his phone. When he glanced at Selena, he asked, "Why

introduction. After walking up to Selena, he told her, "He is my maternal grandfather,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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