Reuben would still pay visits to Digton City or other parts of Astoria as he had to travel around for business.

"The city streets seem especially busy nowadays. I see lights and decorations everywhere I look. Oh, that's right! The Spring Festival is coming up soon, right?" The rest of the family members only realized tha the Spring Festival was happening soon after Jocelyn brought it up.

"That's right. Astoria's Spring Festival is happening soon. That's why the city seems extra lively these days. When I went out earlier, I overheard some strangers talking about a light festival happening during the celebration this year," Jason said with a smile.

Lindsay's eyes lit up immediately. The family had shifted to Yucaria more than ten years ago. Although they tried their best to preserve some of Astoria's traditions in the start, it was simply too hard for them to celebrate their Astorian festivals because of the limited amount of materials they could purchase in Yucaria.

Just the preparation work for such festivals was a huge problem. The traditional festivals they used to celebrate therefore got simpler and simpler each year, and they eventually absorbed Yucaria's practices of celebrating Christmas, Easter, and so on. For the past few years, the most they did during the Spring Festival was to prepare some handmade dumplings. Hence, it no longer felt like a celebration to them.

really rare for you guys to come back here, so why don't we stay for the Spring Festival celebrations?" Jason asked. Linda's heart sank into her stomach the moment she heard his suggestion. Please don't let that happen! I had to do so many things just to ensure that the tombstone was all set up. Selena stays in this very city-I'm afraid they might bump into her if they remain here for a

was that the person who ate the dumpling with a coin in it would have a

Festival and go back after that. There

had decided to stay for the festival. Linda was the only one who wore a dark expression. However, she couldn't find an excuse to

me the places you went to when you were younger. I'd like to see those places

your tour guide, and I can bring you around to show you the changes in Digton City." "Okay! Perfect!" Lindsay was

as she gritted her teeth in anger. There's still another two weeks before the Spring Festival. According to what they discussed earlier, it sounds like they are planning to stay around for the entire Spring Festival, which lasts for two weeks! That means we'll have to stay here for an entire

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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