Indeed, no needles were used, so Selena was relieved. Then, Juniper took out one moxa stick after another, and additionally, she had the kitchen maid cut some ginger slices for use later. "Mommy, let me take your pulse first."

Selena only acted as if she was playing a game with Juniper, who took her pulse and then nodded. "Mommy, you're too tired and haven't been sleeping well. Besides, you've caught a cold. I'll help you get rid of the cold first, and then I'll help you get a good sleep."

"Okay." Selena grinned while thinking that Juniper was really acting like a true doctor.

"Mommy, close your eyes and relax your body."

As Juniper chanted, she put the ginger slices on their fixed positions before lighting the moxa sticks. "Mommy, you have to tell me if any of them gets too hot."

"Okay." The aroma of mugwort permeated the whole room, and Selena closed her eyes to enjoy the warmth. Whenever any of them got too hot, she would point at it, and Juniper would immediately change it. Both of them cooperated well together as mother and daughter.

of the session, Juniper had Selena lie on her stomach and began to give

speaking, she realized that Selena did not answer. Upon taking a closer

were almost burnt out before she withdrew them all. Then, she covered Selena with the

had a deep sleep this time, and when she woke up, she found that she really had a good sleep and didn't even dream of anything. Rubbing her nose, she realized that her nose did not run anymore, and her body felt extremely relaxed. Getting up,

better?" Juniper opened the door a crack and poked

"Juniper, I feel so much better. Previously, my cold would

to experience nasal congestion, and then there will be yellow snot. But I can give you moxibustion you won't suffer so much. Now that you have a cold, we need to remove the chill from your body. But I guarantee that

pinched Juniper's

learned it all from Dr. Werner! Mommy, do you know that my master is really super powerful? He has saved so many people!" Juniper had a look

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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