As Jerry spoke, he held his tears back.

"Dad, it's alright. If Mom can feel better that way, then go ahead. I can see it's quite tortuous for her," Reuben said. Jocelyn nodded.

"Same here. I don't want her to be in pain anymore."

"Very well then. If it's fine with you, then I'll go through it with the doctor."

Then, he stood up. The moment he turned around, a teardrop fell down his cheek. He seemed to have aged a lot since Lindsay had the stroke.

he used to be a strong old guy, but since

she was paralyzed, Lindsay couldn't even control her bowel

resolve. Lindsay was someone who adored cleanliness and beauty above all else. Also, she was a proud woman, so she wouldn't want anyone to see her in such a

Lindsay alone. Lindsay was blushing in embarrassment, but Jerry didn't care as he held

they were young, but he stopped doing that when they got older. Lindsay smiled. She seemed to have gotten used to

this would happen. Do you remember the promise we

No, I can't die yet! Not now! Not when my granddaughter is still out there! When she heard that, she started gurgling and gripped Jerry's hand as hard as she could. Jerry wondered what got her so agitated,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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