Roland sighed and said, "Well, things change, and so do people."

At the same time, Meredith returned to her personal residence that her agency company had prepared her upon visiting her parents. She then started browsing through the internet to learn more about the Murray Family and found out that they had a daughter who subsequently went missing. While her fate was left unknown, Meredith's suspicion was further confirmed by the mystery.

No wonder Linda's looks seemed a little strange the last time we met. That was all because she underwent plastic surgery to look exactly like Selena. Yes, that explains why she wants Selena dead so badly. Since she knows the bracelets' secret, it also makes sense to say that she wants to take Selena's place to become the Murray Family's daughter. After learning the news, Meredith could barely contain her joy, knowing that she could finally work with Linda like a partner instead of working for her like a servant.

As soon as Megan left, her parents instantly looked through the items she got for them. Food, drinks, and daily necessities... Their daughter had brought them a little of everything, and on top of that, there were some new clothes. For someone who puts a lot of attention on physical appearance like Jezebelle, these clothes were enough to make her excited. Grabbing a few apparel and putting them in front of herself, she was more than delighted, especially since they were nowhere as rich as they used to be.

"Enough! You're too old for this stuff!" Roland sarcastically mocked his wife.

Jezebelle glared at him and talked back. "What do you know?!"

suddenly saw a group of people entering the courtyard just when Jezebelle also heard the noises. When Selena showed up, Roland quickly turned his attention to Jezebelle and said, "Don't forget what Meredith told

glared at Roland as

into the living, while her

have here! My lovely daughter is back! Did you have to bring along

To what do we owe you the pleasure, Mrs. Fowler? Poor relatives like us are

wasn't expecting any kind of polite pleasantries from them either. After all, she knew a leopard couldn't change its spots. "There is nothing worth

began to carry the boxes into the house as Jezebelle watched with her eyes brightening up. This stuff

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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