"Actually, I've checked in with the black market and made a deal with them. Those people are scared of me but at the same time want to make a living, so they made such a fake bomb for Linda." Pierre was also distressed. What if what I did wasn't enough? From the time Meredith started getting information from the black market, he already had the black market in his sights. Later, he made a deal with the black market. No matter how much anyone spent to buy suspicious items, they were not allowed to sell. Otherwise, it would be considered as offending Pierre Fowler.

Sure enough, Linda went to the black market to buy a bomb.

Selena fell asleep after sobbing in Pierre's arms. She had had enough with such traumatic days and wondered when those days would be over. After Selena fell asleep, Pierre slowly got up and walked out. In the study room, his eyes flashed with a cold light that was enough to shock anyone. He had had enough of this kind of life too, and he would no longer allow his wife and children to be harmed.

"Go dig Linda Dunn out for me! Even if the whole of Digton City is turned upside down, I will find her! In the past, Meredith had exploited the loophole, and that's why she escaped. This time, I'll not allow any loopholes! Block all the roads to and from Digton City! I don't believe she can dig through the ground and escape!"

Looking at Pierre's furious eyes, the bodyguards didn't dare to say a word at all.

hospital. She did not expect Pierre to suddenly appear, nor did she expect that the bomb would not explode, even though she had pressed the button! D*mn it! Now that I'm exposed, will

think of her hiding in the hospital. Jason's operation was scheduled within a few days, and after that, he would have to recuperate for some time. After that, Pierre

Linda, he was not at home, while Selena had not gone out because she was still traumatized by the previous event. Therefore, she did not even let the children

the matter about Linda, Jude was shocked. "I didn't know that Hades actually spared

simply smiled and replied, "The two brothers look ruthless, but in fact, they are

two brothers still have a lot of differences. In

Satan, the corners of her lips curved up, and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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