Jameson shook his head. "I don't know either."

"Then I will take you to the children's art center to see if there are any classes you like, okay?"

"Mmm, okay!" Jameson immediately became animated. Selena asked Joaquin if he wanted to tag along, but the boy refused, so Selena took Jameson out alone. The children's art center had a lot of classes, so many that Jameson was taken aback.

"Jamie, what classes do you like?"

"I like drums and street dance!" This came as a bit of a surprise to Selena, who had thought that Jameson would prefer more relaxing classes, such as art classes, due to his lazy nature.

"Okay, then let me remind you that once you're learning something, you cannot easily give up, okay? To learn it, we have to stick to it."


Thus, Selena quickly enrolled Jameson into the drums and street dance classes, and both would officially start next week. On the way back, the sun was setting, so Selena looked at the time and realized that Juniper should almost come back by now. While discussing with Jameson about what to eat in the evening, Selena's phone rang.

"Mrs. Fowler, something happened! Young Mistress Juniper has disappeared!"


The nervous voice of the bodyguard came from the other end of the phone.

"Speak slowly!"

but she has not come out until now. Thinking that perhaps Dr. Werner wishes to talk more with her, we did not care much. But she still hasn't come out when the sky was already dark. Thus, we thought to go in and ask, but

moment, and she could not react for

what should we do

say when Juniper

little late, but she has been gone for half

far. You guys calm down first and look for her in the neighborhood. Maybe she

up the phone, Jameson worriedly looked at Selena. "Mommy,

so I can't eat with you guys today. I have

Jameson nodded obediently.

Selena hurriedly rushed over to where Juniper went missing. Andy had also begun a search party, but after combing through the entire mountainous area, they couldn't

no news, but it's also a



she fall down

where on earth

she received a phone call. "Is this Selena? The other party's voice had been processed with

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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