After a round of testing with the device, the two were even more puzzled.

The display on the device showed that it definitely wasn't anything like a bomb, but it couldn't detect what it was, either.

Satan let Hades have his back while he opened the huge box with a mighty push.

Balloons immediately flew out of the box, paired with blooming flowers.

"Surprise!" Jude popped up from the box.

The tension in the air quickly dispersed as relief flooded over everyone at the scene.

Satan was surprised and overjoyed as he wrapped his arms around Jude to lift her out of the box. "Why have you come here?"

Hades shook his head and quickly dismissed everyone else. These two are really too sweet for comfort, he thought.

"To give you a surprise! Do you like it?" Jude grinned mischievously at Satan.

"Of course." Satan picked Jude up in a bridal carry and went upstairs.

they got into his room. He just held her in his arms and relished the secure feeling of pulling her into his

I declined just so that I can give you a surprise like this. I'm actually here for a filming session. Once I heard the director say we're coming here for a

and tucked

to his lips and said in a voice

two fell

for a shoot in Springvale, Selena found it even harder to get through every day. Fortunately, she had three

herself into her busy duties, but she still longed for Pierre when night

in front of the window and gazed at the moon outside. The sickle moon hung in the sky, accompanied by a

Selena felt her eyelids twitch again. Her eyelids had been twitching a lot these days, and it

something bad was going to happen. She had dismissed it as superstition, but new when it actually happened to her, she felt that

to see Joaquin standing

walked to her, Selena asked, “Jojo,

lifted Joaquin up and placed him on the bay window

still awake." Joaquin looked up at

What do you think Daddy's doing?" Selena asked while she

as soon as she heard the reply. "You

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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