Hades took a look at the change in Satan's expression and immediately knew that he had ruined his brother's mood. He was still full of excitement from the joyful news, but I became a killjoy by blurting out the truth.

He quickly added, "Satan, maybe everything will work out! Jude should stay here and focus on her pregnancy. Everything will be fine."

Satan remained silent while thinking to himself, Indeed, now that Jude's pregnant, she's lost her ability to protect herself. Not only that, she needs to protect the baby she's carrying. Seeing that she can't even eat without throwing up, her fighting ability is nil.

With that in mind, he decided to put aside some of his men to protect her, which meant that he would lose part of his forces.

Moreover, Jude would need to make trips to the hospital. Every time she stepped foot outside, she would be exposed to unforeseen risk.

He dared not imagine the dangers that lurked around her.

"Don't tell her about these problems for now."

"Yeah. I will keep quiet." Hades promised.

Satan lit a cigarette and started smoking. Clouded by the wisps of smoke, his expression hardened.

In Digton City, Selena had not been in her best condition in the past few days. This time, her morning sickness was worse than in her previous pregnancies, and she was fighting drowsiness every single day. Still, to uphold the trust and morale among the employees, she had no choice but to drag her tired body to the company for meetings.

felt truly unwell and canceled her plan to go to work because her baby was equally as important as

Department. "President Yard, you informed me that some members of the Fowler Family would come in to sign their contracts for share transfer. Why didn't they show

news. "They have struck a deal with me, and we even agreed on the meeting time. Did you say that they

waiting for them. The contracts were ready to be signed, but no

"No one?" Selena gasped.

the members of the

come to her, including Joseph. When he met her, she offered to purchase his shares at the market price, which caused him to blow up. In the end, she took into consideration his senjority and agreed to offer him five years' worth of dividends, a deal

the meeting, but the early birds who struck deals with her could sell their shares at twice the market price. Why would

felt odd to

Yard, should I make calls to



her. "Leave them alone. Let's wait a little


for them and call you if

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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