Selena didn't have to go over to know that her husband was looking at the video taken from the sonogram earlier that day.

For some reason, her eyes began to grow misty as well.

She did not regret conceiving this child at all, and she was more than grateful that Pierre had come home to her. The family was whole at last.

She quietly backed away from the doorway of the study and returned to the bedroom.

Meanwhile, Fowler Corporation and Empire Group released the news of Pierre's return, and something as groundbreaking as this was bound to cause shock waves across the industry, given that Pierre had been declared dead before this.

The statements from both companies had explained that his death was necessarily staged to eradicate the wicked forces who had their eye on Fowler Corporation.

However, the rest of the world was having a hard time believing in the narrative given by the companies. They began to question the ethics of the companies and wondered what else they might be capable of doing if they could go so far as to stage a man's death.

While the world was in an uproar over this incident, no one could deny the truth that Pierre had indeed returned, and there was something significantly different about this comeback of his.

that he would be building ten new elementary schools in slum areas, and these schools were to be collectively named the Fowler-Yard Charity School. The meaning behind such a name was in honor of Pierre and Selena's aspirations, which

this as his and Selena's way of immortalizing their

could not afford medical care. His charitable acts did not stop

and Empire Group were no strangers to charity, the most they had done in the past were making contributions through some well-known foundations or providing generous funding to support rescue missions in disaster-stricken areas. It was unprecedented for them to set up elementary schools,

was also the first time in history that a profit-based corporation was setting up its own charities. The complexity of the matter rendered

Selena was completely supportive

lot of free time on her hands after his return. As of now, the baby's health was her number one priority and

to the plants in the greenhouse when one of the maids came to inform her

were in uniforms. She knew that Pierre had retired, but

how they had come bearing grave news the last time, and the memory haunted her

see Pierre?" Her tone was wary as she gazed at the both

to see him, but we

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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