Inside the folder were receipts from Jude's prenatal check-up sessions, but perhaps the most important document of all was the sonogram.

As tears swam in her eyes, Selena remembered how Jude had insisted on keeping the sonogram in safe custody, so that Jude could show it to her child one day. The situation had to have been dire to make her leave something as precious as this behind.

Looks like there isn't much hope left...

"Jude..." Selena howled as the tears streamed down her face with fury.

Jason had been hesitant to show her the documents after he found them at the castle. After having pondered on this for a long time, he decided to tell her the truth, knowing that she would only cling onto paranoia and false hope if he didn't. He wasn't sure if words were enough to offer her solace, but he gently rubbed her back as he said, "It's better for you to accept this now than to hope for her resurrection."

Selena shook her head as she sobbed, "Do you know what it feels like to lose the people who are most important to you? I used to think that Pierre and Jude were the greatest blessings of my life; they were practically my whole world. However, Pierre's gone, and now I've lost Jude. I have no one else."

He carefully pulled her into his embrace. As it turned out, the Murray Family meant nothing to her at all.

still your grandparents, your uncle and aunt, and most importantly, you still have your children. Don't forget, the baby's on the way

as her fingers fluttered over her stomach. "If it

she shakily rose to her feet and began to

the fact that he

pulled herself together. Regardless of what had happened, she still had to

her fifth month of pregnancy that she started to look the part of a gestating woman. That being said, it was still hard to tell that she was with

alone. As such, he stayed by her side while the doctor proceeded with the assessment. "The baby is healthy, Mrs. Fowler, and everything else is looking good as well. Be

Fowler. You may have to consume extra nutrients Other than that, you should always try to keep your net

"Alright, I will."

of every check-up, but it seemed as if she was just as slender as before and she always looked so

she leaned into the backseat with Jason next to her. The both

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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