"Alright, I'll tell you the truth, so stop crying." Pierre stood to sit down beside Selena, subsequently allowing her to lean against his shoulder. "I am indeed deaf in one ear. The explosion in the final battle damaged my ear, which is also the reason I retired." Pierre sounded nonchalant as he relayed everything.

However, Selena could sense that he was being deliberate in how he presented himself. He was hiding his sorrows from her. No wonder he retired. No wonder he moved away from the career that he had worked to build all his life. He was actually forced to step down because he's deaf in one ear.

"You know our line of work requires us to be in peak physical condition. Due to my deaf ear, I can no longer operate on the front lines. Coupled with the fact that I already completed the mission that the organization tasked me with, I no longer had a reason to stay, so I retired." Pierre heaved a sigh. "It's for the best. With this, I will be able to be here for you."

Throughout his confession, Selena's heart spasmed with sorrow. For a man as prideful as him, he had been shouldering all the burden alone ever since falling from grace and ended up as a disabled person with a deaf ear.

"Now, now, stop crying. You're pregnant, you know." Pierre caressed her belly gently.

All of a sudden, she wiped her tears away. “Remove your clothes. Let me take a look.”

joke while pinching her nose. "Have you forgotten the doctor's orders? We shouldn't get too intimate. Are you telling me

amused. "I'm asking you to remove

in the day. Let's

or not?"

Pierre dared not disobey her and hastily nodded. "Okay, okay. I'll remove them." After that, he took off his jacket, followed by his shirt. He moved slowly until his broad chest was revealed. When Selena laid eyes on the scars on his body, she was hit with an immense heartache. I knew it. I knew it would come

few scars on his body prior to that, he had now gained a bunch of new ones on his back and chest. Some of the scabs had just fallen off to reveal the pink, tender skin below it. It was as if the skin on his chest and back w Was

don't cry." Pierre immediately wiped Selena's tears away before putting his clothes back on. "Look, I'm all healed! I'm standing

because you were recuperating?" Selena cut to the chase before Pierre could say anything else. "I want the truth, or I will kick you out of my

rushed to the hospital, where the doctor announced that I was in critical condition, and that my colleagues should be prepared for the worst. I was told that

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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