Jude wore a grateful smile. "You're the only one who would say that. To be honest, I have been feeling ashamed of myself when I was chatting with the other mothers. I don't know how to change the baby's diapers, nor do I know how to burp the baby. You're even better at this than me."

It would be a lie to say that she was unaffected. When she saw that Charles could deftly change the baby's diapers and burp him, she felt like a piece of trash, especially so when she couldn't even provide the baby with enough milk.

"Nobody is born with these skills and knowledge. Jude, you're already doing great, so you don't need to feel disappointed. All I wish for is that you stay healthy." Charles caressed her face gently. As long as Jude was doing well, he didn't care about the rest. "A woman's worth isn't only determined by her ability to care for her baby. Have you ever wondered who the occupants are in this care center?"

Jude wore a faint smile. "Of course it's full of the rich." The monthly rent of the cheapest room in this care center would cost three million; only people who hailed from rich families could afford that amount. "Indeed. Most of these women are wives of rich men."

raising babies, all the while maintaining a youthful appearance. On the contrary, I still have a round belly. I used to think that I am thin, but

purpose is to give birth to and raise children. Other than that, they are also doing their best to preserve their beauty even during postnatal care so that their husbands won't cheat on them. Don't you think it is sad that they have to resort to such

found herself

than childcare, women can prove their worth through various other methods. In this modern society, women are no longer broodmares and maids. They have a lot of other methods to prove their own worth." Charles held an extremely gentle gaze when he was looking


important decision to give up on breastfeeding. After all, she couldn't produce enough breast milk to sustain the baby,

well as the shame of having to allow a masseuse to massage her breasts in the past. All of a sudden, the world felt like a much better place. However, she was inevitably being verbally attacked by the other mothers in the care

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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