Daddy, don't flirt

Chapter 25 I send you home 2

He should leave already, why is he here? Jamie thinks.

Dan looks cold again, as if the gentleness before is just an illusion. He looks at the draft on Jamie’s desk, asks,” Haven’t finished your work?”

“Yes.” Jamie stands in awkwardness. She doesn’t know where to look at, so she can only looks down to her feet.

Dan glances around and finds few papers are in the bin. Those should be the unqualified works, but they seem to be wet. Dan thinks.

“Continue.” Dan says.

Jamie takes a look at Dan, and finds him sit on the sofa already. Jamie has doubt, but she needs to finish her draft first.

Jamie hasn’t started long, then she feels someone is watching her. She knows it’s Dan, but that makes her felt uncomfortable, so Jamie looks up to watch back.

However, Jamie only sees that Dan is reading the newspaper, his sight seems fixed on it, not her.

Jamie frowns with doubt, did she just have illusion? She thinks. Then Jamie focus on the draft again.

the newspaper and looks at Jamie, who is working hard, then there is a light smile on his lips.

awkward atmosphere, Jamie finishes her draft at

Tidy up her desk, stretching out. Jamie doesn’t know what to do next.

Dan is still reading the paper.

tell Dan that she is going to leave, but seeing how concentrated Dan is, Jamie is afraid

the president, the entire company will suffer”, Jamie doesn’t have the gut to talk

Jamie, seeing how Jamie is

wants to see how long Jamie can last without asking.

It’s 9pm now.

Dan. Dan

it’s already 9 o’ clock.” Jamie says.

answers and keeps

“Don’t you need to go home?’ Jamie gets hurried when she sees Dan is still calm

Of course Dan understands what Jamie means. Is that because someone is waiting her home? That’s why she is in hurried? Dan thinks.

Frowning and feeling jealous, Dan puts down the newspaper

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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