Daddy, don't flirt

Chapter 60 Does he belong to you?

"Stop? How can I stop now?" Jamie Moore smiles. Now she looks like a devil. She kicks the table aside. The table rolls in the mud, and several marks adds on it.

Mia Moore is very angry. She walks to Jamie Moore. Her feet are very sore, but she still looks at Jamie Moore as if she could chop Jamie Moore up.

But Jamie Moore doesn't think it's enough. She throws all the things that can be thrown to the swimming pool. Some of them are even stained with mud. Roses and the branches of the tree also fall in to the swimming pool. The scene is really disgusting.

"You could try it again! You Daddy will fix you when he comes back!" Celina Swift looks at Jamie Moore with hateful eyes. She wishes that she could pierce a few holes in Jamie Moore's face.

Jamie Moore walks to her, and then she squats down and looks at Celina Swift. Jamie Moore holds the dedicate necklace on Celina Swift’s neck, and then she pulls it off, and says, "So, this necklace doesn’t belongs to you. Is it comfortable to wear it?"

Celina Swift's face turns pale. She knows that Jamie Moore means this necklace is her mother--Adele Gilbert’s necklace.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Celina Swift’s heart jumps abruptly.

"Can't you understand? Mia Moore, how could she come out now since your mother is suffering Alzheimer’s? It’s OK that you don’t treat yourself since you are ill. But now your mother is ill, how can’t you take your mother to the hospital and treat her?” Jamie Moore looks up and says to Mia Moore. She says all of this in a way that could make other people angry.

"Bitch! Who are you scolding? I don’t suffer Alzheimer's!" Celina Swift is very angry, and her face is haggard as if she is several years old than before.

"Don't be complacent, Jamie Moore! Don't you depend on Dan William? You are not Dan William’s wife, and now it’s too early to say the result!" Mia Moore raises her face, and she is sure that she will win.

"Mrs. Dan? Mia Moore, are you kidding with me? If you can be Mrs. Dan, you will get that position in the past five years that I’m not here. I'm backing now. Why do you think that you have the chance?" About the last sentence, Jamie Moore is not very sure. But she could not care so much because she wants to make Mia Moore angry.

Her feet are covered with mud, but it does not affect the smile on her face. "Do you know the

She presses her lips and her

has made love with me..." Mia Moore covers her mouth and smiles coyly. Mia Moore’s

of her, and she tries to find flaws on her face. However, there is only proud on her face.

maybe it's true.

know that Brother Dan has been my man, do you feel sad? Jamie Moore, do you think you are only woman who can stay with him? With so many beauties, why does he just wait for you?" Mia Moore presses

feels more and more sad, and the feeling of sad can’t be

doesn't want to put the label--his woman on you. Why do you think he's your man?" Even if Jamie Moore feels not good in her heart, she is unwilling to be laughed by

though she loses, she also wants to lose in a proud way.

with you." Jamie Moore looks at Mia Moore as she

bad. Jamie Moore is really good at

"Jamie Moore, stop now!" Mia Moore wants to walks, but she has been stood in situ for a long time, thus the mud on her feet is stained with the mud on the ground and one jumped forward. She tries to walks, but she can’t. And then

clothes immediately and says, “Mia, are you sure that you have made love with Dan William?”

Mia Moore's forehead has become red, and then tears fall from her eyes. And then she says, “Make love? If that is true,

"Then why do you say that just now?!" Celina Swift has rejoiced too

"I just want to piss Jamie Moore off!" But Jamie Moore

Swift signs, and then she reminds that where is Jamie Moore?

villa. She walks to the second floor and then walks into the room of Adele Gilbert.

furnishings inside are the same as before. No one cleans the room, but the room is not very dirty. Jamie Moore

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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