Daddy, don't flirt

Chapter 37 I don’t need your concern 2

Jamie walks through the dance floor slowly, and Dan sees Jamie.

Seeing Jamie covers her stomach and bends down uncomfortably, Dan runs to Jamie hurriedly. And the woman who sticks herself to Dan is thrown out to the ground.

Dan carries Jamie in his arms and leaves. Bruce Hill spots how viciously Mia looks at Jamie, there will be a good show in the future, Bruce thinks.

Actually, Jamie just presents being uncountable, she didn’t know that Dan would take that so seriously.

Outside the building, Dan carefully puts Jamie down in the passenger seat.

“Put this on your belly first.” Dan grabs the heating pad, and places it on Jamie lower belly.

It’s very uncomfortable to have the heating pad in summer time. Jamie frowns and casts it aside.

“What happened?” Dan asks.

when Jamie is going to tell Dan that she’s fine, she feels her period come.

Jamie covers her belly hard, frowning because of the pain.

Thus he gets into the driver seat in hurry,

fine.” Jamie’s face is so pale, but she still

Dan looks through her face carefully, smiling taunting, “Can you stop pretending you’re okay for

Then he starts the car, and leaves the Royal Hotel.

need to ask Ian to make

Soon, Jamie is having too much pain to have any strength. It’s even difficult for her to open

The car stopped. Jamie can feel that Dan gets off the car. Later, Jamie

eyes, and gets off the car supporting

Dan hands something to Jamie. Jamie opens it and finds it is sanitary towel.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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