Daddy, don't flirt

Chapter 50 Jamie Moore is my taboo

Mia Moore is shocked.

"I allow you to go in and out of Cr freely, and allow the Family Moore to do whatever they want in their country, but..." Dan William pauses, and then he says with cold voice, "Jamie Moore is my taboo. Don't say that you forget it."

"In my eyes, Jamie Moore is always right. Even though she is wrong, she is right."

Mia Moore doesn't know how she get out of the CR building by Secretary Sam. She wants to run in and ask questions, but she is stopped by the guard at the door.

Then Secretary Sam suddenly turns around and he says with a smile, "I'm sorry, Miss Moore, you're on the CR blacklist. You can't enter the CR building for half a step in the future."

Mia Moore opens her eyes in horror, and now she begins to regret that she had found trouble with Jamie Moore in the place of Dan William?

Jamie Moore doesn’t know all of this. She is applying the ointment at the moment.

After applying the ointment on the neck, she wants to apply the ointment on her leg, and at this moment, the door of the office is opened again.

Jamie Moore is speechless. How could Mia Moore come back again?

When she sees the man clearly, her movements stopped abruptly.

Dan William puts his hands in his trouser pockets. Seeing that she is applying the ointment, he frowns and says, "Are you hurt?"

Hearing his words, Jamie Moore presses her lips.

"Give it to me." Dan William sits down opposite her. He takes the ointment and cotton swab in her hand, and he is prepared to apply the medicine for her.

Jamie Moore’s delicate face blushes. Fortunately, Dan William looks down and he could not see anything.

"You are as weak as before." Dan William presses hard on Jamie Moore’s bruised wound as he says.

"Ah!" Jamie Moore also cries.

Oh, my god. Are there any resentment and hatred between them. Does he murder her?

"She also does not get anything good from me."

that she almost wants to catch Dan William’s

Dan William snorts. He suddenly feels that the blame- put Mia Moore on the CR blacklist is too

As for the Family Moore, since Jamie Moore doesn't care anymore, he doesn't have to be polite.

"Ah! Dan William, are you going to kill me? " Jamie Moore feels very painful. She has lost her usual calm and indifferent image, and now she is a bit of loveliness.

bear anymore. She strangles the neck of Dan William, and she does not want to give up. Beside, she even grabs his hair

It feels

and he looks at the lovely look of Jamie Moore, then his eyes gradually become deep and bright.

strength is not strong, the position of pressing is absolutely

her remember that no matter how miserable the other side is, she

when she remembers the pain, she will not touch later.

venting, Jamie Moore realizes that what she had done. She

Bonus! She reads it in her heart.

for caring about you subordinates and applying the ointment for me, Mr. Dan. I won't

for subordinates? Don't bother him?

Secretary Sam who is ready

get rid of him? This is impossible!

stands up and clean his clothes, and then he walks to Jamie Moore with a smile. He touches

Looking at Jamie Moore, who is a little stiff, the eyesight of Secretary Sam

is always conducted by Shawn Hall, but this time, the president does it by himself.

anyone so indulgently. Dan William looks at Jamie Moore with satisfaction.

Secretary Sam follows him quickly. She even looks

Jamie Moore realizes that Dan William is making a play, and


At about eight o'clock in the evening, Jamie Moore comes back to the apartment. She walks into the room lightly, and she tries

the living room suddenly turns on. Jamie Moore turns back quickly. She is

"Boy, don't you want to frighten your mommy to death by staying up so

walks to Ian Moore and grabs Ian

looks at her in disgust, "Mommy, your courage is so small. You are scared by me in such a way. Or what's wrong with mommy today? You dare not let me know."

bruises on Jamie Moore’s neck and calf, his

Who did

what can Mommy do? You little aunt find trouble with me."

Ian Moore thinks with his head askew, and then he reminds that it's

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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