Daddy, don't flirt

Chapter 40 Catch 250 fish 1

The man behind Jamie wears a pair of sunglasses, which covers 2/3 of his face. Good facial structure, gives out the sign that strangers don’t come closer.

Jamie recognizes that he is Derek William, who worked as Dan’s bodyguard before. Jamie used to see him once or twice.

Jamie gets exciting when she sees Derek, which gives a chill to Derek.

“I’m boring, and I see there is a pond. Let’s have a competition, the one who lose must get punished.”

Derek feels speechless. But he nods in the end.

It’s just a fishing, she can’t push him into the pond as punishment, right?

Two of them go to the pond, and gets ready to fish.

The sunset shines upon the pond, making it looked orange. What a beautiful scene.

However, Jamie is not in a good mood.

only has one tiny finger long fish. Jamie turns more and more anxious. To turn around the situation, Jamie has come up with an idea.

the time, and Dan

Jamie sneaks around to Derek, who is focusing in fishing. Then she empties Derek’s bucket all at once. Clapping her hands acts like nothing happened. Jamie says, “President William.” When Dan is walking toward here.

and pretends to be submissive, which Derek can’t say anything about

“I heard that you guys are having competition.” Dan puts his hands into his pockets, watching Jamie who just tricked Derek.

“Yes, we are.” Jamie nods, smiling

asks with a smile.

“You can see in person, president William. This is my bucket, and that one is Derek.” Jamie points to the buckets and says.

“Miss Moore, I lost.” Before Dan speaks, Derek lowers


“Yes.” Derek has a bad feeling.

Dan sinks into every smile of Jamie.

in front of him is much more alive and attractive. Dan

give you a hard time. You just need to catch 250 fish.” Jamie smiles

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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