Daddy, don't flirt

Chapter 52 Long time no see

With the attitude of trying, Jamie Moore dials the phone, and a few seconds later, the phone is connected.

In the evening, the entertainment of city a is called the territory of aristocratic.

Only rich people will come here to be the losers.

In fact, the reason that Jamie Moore come here is the request of people she wants to meets.

Fortunately, she doesn't have to treat her, otherwise she will certainly unhappy to do this.

"Jamie Moore, shall we go back?" Wendy says shyly, and she holds Jamie Moore’s arm tightly.

Jamie Moore knows that she is shy, thus she pats Wendy’s head and says, "It's OK, I'm here! Don't you want to see him?"

Only that people could make her best friend become a cute girl in a flash.

"But..." Wendy is still a little afraid. Now she is different from her unusual image, and she is more feminine.

But Jamie Moore does not give her any chance to retreat. She takes her directly and drags her to the appointed place.

Jamie Moore opens the door and drags Wendy to walk into the room.

But when Jamie Moore sees the proud man who is sitting on the sofa, the smile on her face suddenly changes.

"Ah, Jamie Moore is coming." Bruce Hill puts down the microphone. He smiles when he sees Jamie Moore standing in the door.

Following Bruce Hill’s eyes, Dan William sees Jamie Moore suddenly, and he also sees Wendy standing beside Jamie Moore.

Wendy looks around shyly, and finally she sees the figure on the sofa.

Duke Field.

He gives people a sense of inexplicable security. Although there is no expression on his face, he is on Wendy’s heart.

She has loved her from high school to now.

Bruce Hill and Duke Field are the elders of Jamie Moore and Wendy. Because Wendy loves Duke Field, so Jamie Moore also know them.

"Brother Bruce Hill and brother Duke Field, long time no see." Jamie Moore smiles at them."

they are good friends and classmates when she returns home. But Dan William is busy in

she feels a sense of disappointment. How could her good friend like

is Bruce Hill, the thing will be much simpler.

Jamie Moore a hug. Suddenly,

my God, he almost kills himself.

haven't seen you for a long time, Wendy." Bruce Hill takes Wendy’s hand and touches her hair.

hair, he could touch Wendy’s hair.

doesn’t know that a pair of eyes is staring zt him.

long time no see." Wendy has know them for a long time, so

William, long time no see." Wendy says hello to Duke Field. She glances at Duke Filed for

his eyes always fall on Jamie Moore, who is smiling and treacherous.

What does this woman do at this time?

Jamie Moore feels angry with Bruce Hill. It’s nothing that he brings Duke

while, she has no idea. After all, this three men always stay together.

Duke Filed. Wendy sits close to Duke Filed

walks to Jamie Moore and says, "Jamie, this

He points to the position beside Dan William. It seems that he is afraid, but

She clearly remembers that Bruce Hill is sitting

you to calculate

I will let you can’t find the direction later.

Jamie Moore smiles and then sits down beside Dan William.

that the eyesight of Dan William moves away, Bruce Hill feels very happy.

a little quiet. No one speak, and the atmosphere is suddenly embarrassed.

Hill stands up and says, "We haven't seen each other for a long time. Let's play games."

before. People who draw the same suit must do the request of the people who draw the same suit. They can't object. If

is to make Dan William and Jamie Moore more close. And he doesn’t know

Looking at the Duke Filed who sitting beside her,

I'll come first." Bruce Hill takes the lead in drawing one and looks

will, and

even does not look at it, and he puts the card to the other side.

Bruce Hill is speechless, can you

chooses the cards for several seconds, and then she takes one

with someone, she will be punished by Bruce Hill

Hill's eyes suddenly brightened, and he looks at other people.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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