Daddy, don't flirt

Chapter 65 How can't I do this?

Seeing Jamie Moore’s lovely appearance, Dan William would not get angry anymore. He hums, and then sits on the driver’s seat. Then he starts the engine and leaves the parking lot.

"Hello, I'm not familiar with him. What should I get angry?" Seeing that Dan William doesn’t say anything, but his expression eased a little, Jamie Moore stares at him and says.

Dan William doesn’t answer her, and he even does not look at her.

Jamie Moore presses her lips, and then she continues to say, “If the cooperation case is cancelled for this, don’t you feel it’s a pity? Do I need to contact with him again?"

Dan Willian still ignores her. He makes a turn calmly, but his eyes still focus on the front.

"Hey, Dan William, why do you get angry so easily like an old woman? It's not you that who are regarded as a commodity." Jamie is very angry now, and she is speechless about Dan William's haughty appearance. She doesn't owe him any money. Instead, he has to pay her every month. When it comes angry, it should be her to get angry.

"Stop now. I'll find Hooson now and I will accept his pursuit." Jamie Moore stares at him. It seems that she will jump out of the car if Dan William doesn’t stop.

Does he think that she had lost all her temper?

Dan William finally has a reaction, and then he stares at Jamie Moore. His eyes are full of warning, "Are you sure!"

"I’m sure, how can’t I do this?" Jamie Moore stares back.

Dan William presses his lips. He touches his neck in a strange way.

When Jamie Moore calms down, she finds she has made some mistakes. Thus she shrinks her neck and looks at Dan William who has a dark face. Then she says, “Hey, thank you just now."

Dan William hums. He knows that she thanks him for helping her in the open-air restaurant, not for pulling her on the street right now.

If that man is an ordinary man, Dan William will not have such a big action. But he feels that Hooson is not like a normal person. This is a man's natural instinct. His words seem to be true, and he is not joking with Jamie Moore.

"You should not see him in the

after he sends Jamie Moore to the restaurant, “Brother, why do you cancel this cooperation case

case of 100 million. Will

coldly. Let alone it’s a

me! What I mind is that why do you

keeps silent for a while, and then he says calmly, “When you should make a choice between the cooperation case and woman you

What’s the meaning of choosing from the cooperation case

brother?" Bruce Hill asks. He doesn’t understand what’s the conflict between the cooperation case and the woman

Hill. He suddenly realizes that the woman in

Duke Field says with hands on his chin, “Don’t you know our brother like to protect people around him?"

Hill and Duke Filed. But when it comes

think will our brother marry

Duke Filed shakes his head, "Who can guess the mind of our brother?"

force Dan William. They are very curious that who will get the position of Mrs. William in the end.

car back to the manor. Seeing that Dan William comes back, Cindy Swift walks forward, “Young master, do you need

puts his suit to Cindy Swift, and then she goes upstairs.

Dan William asks when he

“Young master.”

this man." Dan William throws

picks up the business card on the desk. He remembers the name in the heart.

The book under his hand is a little old, and there is a picture under it.

the drawer, and then

after Jamie Moore leaves. The man walks to the Jamie Moore’s seat. After a while, she finds several pieces of paper, which

know the design draft, which she spends the whole morning to finish, has been taken away by others. At the moment, she is walking to the Star hotel.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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