Daddy, don't flirt

Chapter 57 She has a high fever

Wendy's apartment is not far from here, so Ian Moore can get there by walking for ten minutes.

Although Ian Moore walks alone on the road, he is not afraid. The reason is that Night.1 and his partners will protect him in the dark, so he never avoids the problem of safety.

When arrives at the Wendy’s apartment, Ian Moore walks into the elevator.

As soon as Ian Moore walks into the elevator, Duke Filed just gets out of the elevator. Ian Moore presses the key of the elevator and then watches the door close slowly.

Duke Filed seems to remind of something, then he looks back. He sees the face of Ian Moore before the door is closed. He is shocked that the phone in his hand almost fall down to the ground.

Duke Filed is shocked. The child he sees right now is too familiar...

It seems that he has seen that child somewhere...

Ian Moore grabs the belt on both sides of his chest. He looks at the number on the elevator, and then the elevator stops on the eleventh floor.

He has heard from mommy that Aunt Wendy is also the daughter of a rich group. She comes out to work without telling her family, but she lives in a good place. Only Wendy lives in this floor. When the elevator is opened, he will reach the house of Wendy.

Ian Moore takes out the key and opens the door, and then he walks in.

"Why?" Wendy comes out when she hears the sound. Then she find the person is Ian Moore.

"Ian, now it’s so late, why do you come here? Don’t you afraid that you mommy will beat you?" Wendy jumps over to holds Ian Moore, and she rubs his little face happily.

"It's mommy who let baby come here. Aunt Wendy, you must take care of me." Ian Moore blinks his big eyes and then looks at her pitifully.

Wendy pinches Ian Moore's face painfully. "Of course, aunt Wendy will keeps you. There is no problem that you live here for a long time."

Wendy likes Ian Moore very much. She even wants to have one baby.

Duke Filed, who

slept so late? Hasn’t Your mommy come back?” Wendy looks at the clock on the

Jamie Moore goes home, she doesn't need to let Ian Moore come to her. The fact maybe Jamie Moore needs to take someone back, and she can’t let this people know the existence of Ian

Dan William.

There is no one but him.

Dan William in her heart. Even if he doesn’t know the fact, if

big eyed for a few times quickly, and then says, "I’m asleep, but I am woken up by

Mommy. I need to use you as a shield.

Bugatti velon stops downstairs at Jamie Moore’s apartment. The light fades as time goes on, and soon it become dark.

William picks Jamie Moore up, who is lying in the back seat,

"Which floor do you live?" Dan William walks into the

opening her eyes, "Seventh

Dan William presses the button, and then the elevator goes up. In the silent elevator, only Jamie Moore’s long and heavy breath could be heard.

under the rain for several minutes, thus her clothes are a little wet. She feels more comfortable

seventh floor, and then Dan William walks out of the

daylight. Dan William glances at the interior decoration. It’s decorated by warm colors, and it seems very warm. Things are placed

Dan William reminds that the little baby he meets in the cake shop. That little baby leaves two dolls, which are the same as

and she relieves when she finds Ian Moore

It's just like being

Ian Moore, she may can’t get out of

"Do you have a thermometer?" Dan William puts her on the sofa. He

drawer on the right under the table." Jamie Moore puts his head

down and looks for the thermometer under the table in front of the sofa. He soon finds it.

the thermometer in Jamie Moore's ear for a while, and then it shows that it’s thirty-eight five. She really has a fever.

He takes out his cell phone to dial a number and put it in his ear.

it's me...Now you should come to Pennies House. immediately. The room is on the seventh floor...I don't care what you're doing with your wife. You must have to be there in 15 minutes! " Finishing these words. He throws the phone to the table, and he even rubs the hair of Jamie Moore’s wet hair.

Jamie Moore closes her eyes. Even though she is not in a good state, she still could not fall asleep. If she is careless, Dan William may find of something.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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