Daddy, don't flirt

Chapter 109 I Want to Marry You

"Of course not. Where are you? I'll pick you up now." Dan William picks up the suit coat on the back of the chair and then walks out as he says, "Well, stay at there, and I will pick you up now."


The black Bugatti cruises smoothly on the road, and the streamlined body of the car shining in the sun.

Jozo sits in the front passenger seat. She wears the fashionable blue dress. She has a curled hair, which up to her shoulder. She has a delicate face and she is very beautiful. She wears light makeup and honey colored lip gloss. Every action of her is very beautiful.

She smiles sweetly. She looks very smart, and the smile is simple and harmless.

Dan William holds the steering wheel tightly. He looks at the Jozo who sits beside him. He feels very guilt, and that feeling just like that he is covered by a big net, which makes him breathless.

"Where are we going?" Jozo asks. She puts the hair around her cheek to her ear, and she looks like a little girl.

"The hotel is not safe. Come back to the villa with me." Dan William says to Jozo softly.

The face of Jozo suddenly become red. She looks at the man beside her, and her heart jumps quickly.

"Why did you come back to country C for this time?" Dan William asks suddenly.

"Because I want to see you. I feel very lonely in France, don’t you know?” Jozo says softly. She presses her lips, and she looks very lovely.

Dan William automatically ignores the first sentence of Jozo, and then he says, "Alma will accompany you, will she?"

Alma is Jozo's close maid. In order to take good care of Jozo's legs, Dan William asks Derek William to pick Alma from the training camp to take care of her.

Jozo presses her lips, and then she looks at Jozo who sits in the back seat through the rear mirror. Then she suddenly reminds of something, and says, “Dan, do you remember the three wishes you give me? Now I've figured out what I want for my third wish."

and then he remembers of the thing, “You could tell me.”

want to marry you." Jozo says with smiles, and her eyes

The eyesight of Dan William suddenly becomes dark, and

Marry him?

of lights. All the street lights on the red maple path are turned on, giving off warm orange light. Looking through the cascading branches and leaves, the white buildings in the manor are like a

It's nine o'clock.

sofa, and she is watching TV. But she always wants to look at the door. Why Dan William hasn't

to go to bed early. Don't watch too late." Ian Moore says when he walks to the stairway. He rubs his eyes. In fact, he

a kiss to Ian Moore. Seeing Ian Moore walks

the clock on the wall, and her expression suddenly becomes a little

up. Maybe she cares the words of Jack Moore today. After all, she is still the eldest lady of the Moore's family in the eyes of outsiders.

this is not

waiting a man

of waiting, but it seems to flow faster because of waiting.

the manor. He specially chooses the farthest villa of the manor for Jozo. He looks at the dim moonlight out of the window. And he

Jozo sits in her wheelchair, and Alma pushes her over. She says in a sweet voice, and the wheelchair stops in front of Dan William.

legs of

that year, Jamie Moore goes to abroad, and he feels very sad.

When he walks out of the door, he thinks he sees Jamie Moore, thus he wants to catch her up. But he forgets that the front is the road, thus he is almost knocked down by the running car.

aside, which saves the

No one would make fun of the safety of his life. What’s more, Dan

of Jozo's injury constantly appeared in his mind. He feels very guilt for this.

Moore, and then he shakes his head, “I still have thing to do,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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