Daddy, don't flirt

Chapter 135 Can They be More Childish

If Dan William lets Jamie Moore go, is he still Dan William?

Mr. William looks up and then he frowns. Then he says in a domineering way, "No way."

The atmosphere suddenly changes. Fortunately, it’s in the corner, thus other people will not notice here. Otherwise, the headlines of tomorrow will probably become the resentment of Jamie Moore.

Seeing two men holding her hand, Jamie Moore rolls her eyes. It’s just like that two children are fight for the candies.

Can they be more childish?

"Mr. Jack would better let Jamie Moore go first." Dan William presses his lips, and his eyes are full of threat. He looks at Ryan Jack, and the atmosphere around him is very cold.

"Oh? Why?" Although Ryan Jack holds Jamie Moore’s hand, but he holds her lightly. His voice is full of cold, and he says in a rhetorical and satire way. Jamie Moore never sees Ryan Jack in such a way.

"Because I am the father of her son." Dan William says firmly. He doesn’t worry that other people will hear their words, thus he says in a proud way. He looks very confident.

"As long as she doesn’t marry you, I will have a chance. Besides, I'm Ian Moore's godfather. I spend more time with him than you do."

Indeed, this is the most capital place for Ryan Jack. Jamie Moore seen him as her best friend, and Ian Moore likes him more. If Dan William doesn't find Ian Moore, it's possible...

However, Dan William snorts, “So what?”

He has a close relationship with Ian Moore. So Dan William doesn’t worry about that.

"What are you doing? Ian Moore is not a commodity. How could you define the value of my son like a commodity?" Jamie Moore is a little dissatisfied when she hears their words. How could they take Ian Moore as commodity? What’s the matter?

They are so childish.

want to hear

It's disgraceful

is none of my business..." Jamie Moore gets rid

Jack sits down, and then

show any love in his eyes. The reason he gets angry is that Jamie Moore stays too close with him. He feels that his things has

Dan William has everything. But if he can’t give happiness to Jamie Moore,

"So are you the right man for Jamie Moore?" Dan William doesn’t care the words from Ryan Jack. He clicks on the sofa, and he lowers

“……” Ryan Jack presses his lips bitterly.

He loves Jamie Moore, but he is not the right man for Jamie Moore.

Moore only takes him as brother.

her so much, do you?" Dan William looks at Ryan Jack in a meaningful way. He stands

snorts at Dan William’s words. If he doesn’t

all chance is made by man.

As soon as Jamie Moore wants to get out of the bathroom, she hears something outside. It sounds like noise, and she is familiar with that voice.

can’t drink, why do you drink so much? If you dare to spit on my body, can you believe that I will kill you?" Bruce Hill’s voice come from the outside, and his voice are full of anger

Anna Pork’s voice is full of hoarseness and vagueness. The voice of high-heeled shoes is a bit messy, and it

and Anna Pork? When do they stay so close with

drinking. You are just a little monster, and you should not pretend to be Altman. You are just a transformer galaxy force...Ah!" Anna Pork slaps Bruce Hill before Bruce Hill finishes his words.

a daze way. Her body is shaking and she would fall

Anna Pork is not awake at all. Thus Bruce Hill can only smash his

to everywhere except the woman's toilet. He never expects that he will enter the woman's toilet one day.

door and walks out after hearing the sound of the next room. She walks to the hand

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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