Daddy, don't flirt

Chapter 177 She isn’t Reconciled at all

Suddenly, a vase comes straight towards Alma. Alma feels the movement behind her and she narrows her eyes. Then she turns her body slightly to the side and escapes the vase that is coming to her.

Before she turns around, another vase hits her left shoulder and the fragments of the vase cut deeply into her flesh.

It hurts, but Alma doesn't cry out in pain. She doesn't even frown but stands up straightly. She turns around and looks at Jozo, who is still crazy expressionlessly. For the first time she says to her in a rebellious tone, "Jozo, please understand your status clearly. My boss is Dan, not you. So you are not qualified to hit me."

Alma wants to say this for a long time.

No matter how angry or annoyed Jozo is before, she just throws things to vent her anger or insults her. It has never been like today. She even hits her directly with things and wants to kill her!

Over the past few years, Alma has obeyed Dan’s orders and has taken care of Jozo with all her efforts. But Alma has always been a person of Dan. She has always obeyed to Dan, not Jozo.

She just comes to take care of Jozo. Dan does not say that she is given to Jozo. Alma should still uphold this right of personal freedom.

There is absolutely no kind person in the training camp. Alma's silence and obedience in daily life don’t mean that she is good to bully.

"My status? Do I need you to remind me? What the hell are you? You’re just Dan's dog. How can you criticize me here? Since that Dan sends you to me, you can't say a word if I let you die now."

Jozo's expression is full of maliciousness and her malicious eyes are fixed on Alma's expressionless face. What Jozo hates most is that she is always expressionless when facing her, as if she is laughing at her.

Alma glances at her without saying anything and turns to walk towards the door.

rest early." She says slowly when she reaches the door and then she leaves.

Another vase hits the place where Alma has just stood in.

after another, Alma walks

back and clean all the debris on the ground!" Jozo keeps throwing things to the door.

is only silence in

blood runs down Jozo's palm, and the sound of blood dripping on

horrible as a viper. Her lower lip is bitten to blood by her. The blood of her palm is still flowing. But she seems not to feel it and she slowly bend down to pick up the phone on the ground with

few seconds, the phone

The voice is calm, as if nothing has happened from her hand just

Jozo's cold eyes. And she asks again to make sure, "What are you

is a way to remedy it although Dan tells her like that today. Then what Amelia says now will undoubtedly harm

Jamie very much, after all, she has my brother's baby. And they will definitely get married in the future ... Hello? Jozo? Why don't you speak? Can you hear me?" The cell phone is thrown on the ground but Amelia's eager inquiries keeps coming

want to marry her, she has a way to force him

and Dan's baby. She can’t expect such

She isn’t reconciled at

words has affected Jozo. After waiting a while for Jozo's voice, she shrugs and hangs up

She doesn't go to work for several days but today she gets

in his hands. He asks respectfully and politely, "Mr.William, the director of Moon

and then turns to Jamie behind him, "You go and prepare


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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