Daddy, don't flirt

Chapter 156 Go Back with Me

She is sad not because of their bitter experience.

Jack and Celina owe her too much.

Hooson sees that Jack's hand outside of the quilt, so he goes over to tuck him in, and his body just blocks the pinhole camera.

After covering Jack with the quit, Hooson looks at the door and says to Jamie, “Let’s go, it is not good to be found by the doctors and nurses.”

Jamie knows Hooson’s concern. And the reason she comes over is just to see whether they are dead or not. Thus, Hooson wheels her out of the ward.

When they leave the ward, Jack’s fingers move.

But Jamie and Hooson do not know, because they are on the way to her ward.

“Wait.” Looking up at the door, Jamie finds Dan standing there, with her heart beating fast.

Why is he here?

She is afraid of being found by him, so she turns off her mobile phone and does not tell Cindy where she goes. But how can he know that?

There must be something wrong.

Then Jamie thinks of Amelia. She has never seen anyone but Amelia. It must be she that tells Dan.

Jamie frowns and does not know what she should do.

When seeing that Jamie sits in the wheelchair Hooson pushing, Dan feels annoyed and goes closer to Jamie step by step.

with me.” He

you see that she gets hurt?” Hooson frowns and stares at

In Hooson’s memory, Dan was born as a king.

And it is the truth.

is really the king of C country.

him at least, and no one has been able to escape away by betraying

face, but also a strong wealth and a gift. He is

No one can deny his

that C country will destroy if the country loses him. And in

There are many behind him who envies him for holding the country's destiny in his hands.


Hearing what Hooson says, Dan just frowns. He still calms down. It can’t seen any difference about him.

able to smell something different on

Dan keeps staring at Jamie and

be found her sadness by Dan. She is also afraid to be thought of being

But Amelia is right. Dan

pretend nothing severe happening to her. She just looks at Dan, “I am hit by a car, but nothing serious."

Hit by

Then Dan turns to look at Hooson, he knows that there must be something with him, or Jamie will not be in the hospital

annoyed, he

does have lover relationship with Hooson, she will feel guilty

Based on this point,

back with me.” Dan reaches out his hands, he looks a little kind. And Jamie feels being spoiled.

whose palm is wide. Besides, it can be found a thin cocoon over the knuckles of his middle finger that he has left over from years of pen-reading.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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