Daddy, don't flirt

Chapter 184 Can You Sing Little Star?

Since there is something to eat, Ian Moore will not be polite to them. He said a long list of dishes without pausing, which shocked the two men in black suit.

They are probably thinking can Ian Moore's little belly can contain so many dishes?

One man in black suit goes to find food for Ian Moore, while the other stays to keep an eye on him.

Ian Moore has been staring at him for a long time. Now is a good chance. If Night.1 wants to kill him at the moment, it's just one minute.

However, Ian Moore’s playful hearts rises and doesn't want to do that for a moment.

"Hello, can you sing Little Star?" Ian Moore suddenly says. His soft cute face wears a sweet smile and his soft voice makes people feel lovely.

The man in black shakes his head with a stiff face.

Ian Moore rolls his eyes. He has a presentiment that even if he makes any request at this time, the man in black would not refuse. More specifically, he doesn’t dare to refuse.

In order to test the idea, Ian Moore continues says, "but I want to hear it, you need to sing it now!”

The man in black wants to scold him. But he thinks of the phone call just now, he immediately close his mouth. Then he tries to squeeze out a smile that is worse than crying to look at Ian Moore and says, "OK.”

How could a man in black sing the Little Star? He secretly scolds the little child as a trouble. He would rather pick the stars for him.

So there is a scene in the cave. Ian Moore’s rope is untied inadvertently. He takes the man’s phone, finds the Little Star from it, and begins to play it.

With the music accompaniment, the man in black is expressionless and starts singing with a thick and dense voice. He not only goes out of tune but also sings many wrong words, but he has to only keep on singing.

very funny at the time.

can’t help to shouting when hears that the man in black makes mistakes. Even primary school students

Moore's disdainful eyes and touches his nose awkwardly. It was displeasure to be

"Sing again!" Obviously now the roles are changed. Crinkling his face, Ian Moore is commanding the man in black and

into the phone contacts and looks at the record on it. There was only one mobile phone number, which

in black is almost broken, but he still has to repeats the song, just like in an execution ground, spits

face of the Night.1 watches in the dark. The young master is really optimistic. In this atmosphere, he could also ask the man in black to sing twinkle twinkle little stars to

Is he too bold, or he has other

black to sing again and again, the man in black could hold the rhythm of

man in black, and says, "Nice, Well done. You already have a good sense of rhythm. Go on."

Such Ian Moore looks like a little teacher, as if he is pointing out his students.

But afraid that he will feel sick when he

around. He doesn't know what he steps on. He jumps forward. His mobile phone is thrown out for several meters

run to pick up the mobile phone, and see that the old mobile phone has been broken and all the parts have come out, the buttons have been broken,

is that Ian Moore

Without cell phone, how yours get in touch?

little face of Ian Moore, which is just gloating, is full of tears and begins

do it

he quickly grins to show

Even if he may doubt him, Ian Moore has another reason, that

ordinary child have such a heavy mind

put Ian Moore in the position of ordinary

"You...don't cry.” The man in black has some doubts, but when Ian Moore cries, he feel that his doubts are superfluous, just a child. How could he think of the plan and destroy the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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