Daddy, don't flirt

Chapter 173 I Never Joke

As long as Jamie Moore is here, Dan William will never see her.

Jozo closes her eyes sadly. She has lost two legs for saving him. But why doesn't he want to marry her?

"No one could involve into them easily.” Wendy says meaningfully.

Jozo answers calmly. She smiles softly, “Dan William has told me that if he will marry somebody, he will consider me first.” she says shyly, and then she lowers her head.

Wendy and Jamie Moore looks into each other. One is very angry, and one is in a daze.

"What did you mean?" Jamie Moore looks at Jozo and says doubtfully. She doesn’t know the meaning of Jozo’s word. Dan William will marry her if he wants to get married. Does this have any relationship with her?

"It means that Dan will marry me." Jozo looks at her shamefully, and then she covers her mouth and smiles.

It seems that Dan William has married with her.

"Oh." Jamie Moore nods, and she feels a little uncomfortable.

Will Dan William marry Jozo? He tells her that she will marry her. Is he joking with her?

Wendy is in a hurry when she sees this. Jozo is not a kind man. She tells this to Jamie Moore. Does she want to break the relationship between Jamie Moore and Dan William?

Jamie Moore is such a fool. How can she believe it?

"You wait for me in the car." Dan William has returned to the restaurant. He stares at Jozo, but he says to Jamie Moore.

"Dan?" Jozo is a little shocked. She thinks Dan William says to her.

She feels uncomfortable for the words of Jozo. She needs

"Come back." Dan William looks at Jamie Moore, and then he hands the key of

Does she ask her to wait in the car? Jamie Moore holds the key. She always acts slowly. Finally,

If Jamie Moore could become smart one

leave, Dan William sits down slowly. He overlaps his leg, and he

Jamie Moore to leave here, Jozo is very happy. She looks at Dan William with a smile, and says in a sweet way, “Dan, what do you

cup on the table, and then he drinks it. He is in a lazy way. Everyone is attracted by his handsome face.

voice is very clear, and it’s flowing like water. There is nothing wrong with it.

William has understood her mind, and he will

me a wish." Jozo explains softly, which affirms the question of Dan William.

Dan William doesn’t look at her. He stirs the coffee with the white porcelain spoon in his fingers. He presses his lips as he hears her word. “Do you remember what I said to you when you just come to country

told her. She remembers very

told you that I love someone." Dan William says calmly.

has told this to her. But she thinks that he just refuses her with this excuse!

that you are just joking with me." Jozo lowers her head. She holds the skirt tightly. At this moment, she wants to

She is a smart woman. How can’t she know the purpose of the word

Do you do this

"I’m never joking with you." Dan William looks at

Jozo says in a grievances and sad way. She pretends to be strong, and she

what he says next

only marry with Jamie Moore. So you don't have to waste your time on me. I don’t want to hear the word you said to Jamie Moore again.” Dan William scrapes the coffee cup with his fingers gently.

Dan William knows that Jamie Moore doesn’t have any action, though she

is that she doesn’t

of her show the

who knows Jamie Moore better than Dan

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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