Daddy, don't flirt

Chapter 201 He Is a Very Gentle Man

He is a very gentle man, but he keeps calm when making any decision.

He wants Jamie to go to France with him and live with them, but Jamie refuses.

So, the distance between the families lengthens.

"Dad is missing you every day and wants you to come back. We miss you so much that we’re sick." Chris's voice has a trace of sorrow and blame.

"What? Are you sick?" Jamie's hand tightens worriedly when she hears it.

"No, it isn’t. It’s called lovesickness." Chris is a little puzzled, thinking about whether it is right.


Jamie almost smiled and smirked. Was this elder brother a teasing monkey?

"Chris, lovesickness is used to describe men and women." Jamie explains to him patiently.

"For men and women? I'm a man, you're a woman. Is there any problem?" Chris says with a trace of doubt.


Jamie doesn't know how to explain it with his words. So she can just say, "Yes, this is lovesickness ..."

"Jamie. If you really encounter something, don't fight against it alone. I still have man over there. You can come to find your brother if you have any troubles." Chris's voice becomes soft and he carefully tells Jamie.

"Brother, who is that man you are talking about?" Jamie walks to the commercial street but doesn't walk in. She just stands outside and chats with Chris.

She looks around habitually. She seems to have an illusion that she sees Jozo.

Putting away the doubts in her heart, Jamie walks straightly over there.

"This is a secret. If you want to know it, you'll have to find it by yourself." Chris is still keeping Jamie guessing and keeping it confidential.

"..." Jamie pouts. Since that Chris doesn't want to say, he certainly has his intentions.

the phone and is still getting closer and closer to Jozo. But she doesn’t know that

I get the wrong person?" Jamie thinks she may recognize it mistakenly, and she


to buy things.

she escapes from Alma is just to finish

a turn. But she doesn't expect a person coming head-on. Therefore accidentally she rushes straightly on him.


The two collides together, but fortunately the man reacts promptly and he stabilizes the wheelchair so Jozo avoids falling off the

also in shock. But the strong fragrance

okay?" A girl in casual

up and looks at Jozo.

"It's okay." Jozo thinks that she is familiar and she

seems to be a famous model of Dan’s company.

card. If you think you have any problems, please contact me." July hands Jozo

Jozo doesn't speak but just nods.

July and her assistant don’t stay for too long and leave first.

back. She raises her right hand that had been on her side. There is a small pendant hanging on it.

by her finger when July hits her. Originally, this thing is clasped tightly around her waist by July. However, the force is so strong that

had a gossip before. And she hits her today. She

the pendant in her bag at random, and moves

quiet cafe on the

Jozo moves her wheelchair to the designated location in the cafe as agreed with the man.

location is very biased. When Jozo gets there, she finds that the person is already waiting there. But because of the

a good seat." Jozo is sitting opposite the man. The stool in her position has been removed, so that it becomes convenient

There is a trace of doubt in Jozo's beautiful eyes. This person seems to

"It’s good if Jozo thinks that it's convenient." The man's voice seems to be deliberately lowered. Obviously he doesn’t want Jozo

doesn't care either. She picks up the coffee on the table and takes a sip. She says, "Tell me what benefit you want from helping me."

the man suddenly breaks the silence. "I don't know what Jozo can


is, to completely destroy

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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