Daddy, don't flirt

Chapter 203 Do You Remember the Demonstration Just Now?

Boom! Boom!

The sound of the heart beating is so obvious that Jamie fails not to pay attention to it.

Jamie is a little depressed while covering her chest. How will the heart has been beating so fast recently? Is there something wrong with the heart?

Dan keeps silent for Jamie's small movements. He raises his lips and decides a plan in his heart.

He knows that it will be impossible for Jamie to express her love. This little fool. Maybe she doesn’t find that she already falls in love with him.

After Jamie finishes her meal, she takes out the laptop Ian brings to her from the manor and begins to make a drawing, which is a picture of the clothing style.

Dan is reading the document which will be set aside after he reads. He doesn’t need to sign.

The atmosphere in the room is quiet and easy-going. No one makes a sound, resulting in a good atmosphere of peace.

No one knows how long it takes. Dan has read the documents on the table and he is playing a pen between his fingers. When Jamie stretches out, some lights flash in his dark eyes.

"Come here," he calls lazily.

and puts the laptop which is on her lap on the table and stands up to

Because of the long work, her legs are slightly paralyzed. As if there are countless ants biting her legs,

walks over to him and sits by the bed next to him. But she

"Can you imitate?" He asks.

Jamie is a little stunned, holding the pen in her small hand and shaking her

"I can teach you."

saying, Dan stretches out his arms around Jamie's thin waist, making her closer to him. He grabs her

is still

her small hand tightly with his big hand. And then he signs his signature on it. Although the force is usually weak, the handwriting seems to be nice, natural and smooth like floating clouds and

arms and she shrinks into a small ball, which takes up little space. For convenience, she takes off her shoes and is held by

One beat and another beat. Jamie's

been quiet,

the demonstration just now?" Dan's voice is very low and charming, like the

she feels the

"What?" She is thinking about something else. How can she remember it?

is covered with a quilt. Jamie is wearing a pair of shorts. The quilt can partly reduce the touch of their skin. Otherwise Dan is really worried that he will not be able to control himself

He has a weak willpower for Jamie.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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