Daddy, don't flirt

Chapter 192 Nice to Meet You

Night.7 thinks that Ian is so cute. If she isn’t doing a report, she will go to kiss him.

It seems that Ian is born to be loved by women.

“No.” Ian looks at the English words on the screen and bites his lips. No matter how he checks it, the phone's card is blank, and nothing could be found, not even the call records.

Who the hell wants to kidnap him?

If they are only for him, Ian can play with them, but this time, they hurt his father, so Ian will not forgive them. He promises to find them out.

“Night.7, do you find out who wants to kidnap me?” Ian turns off the computer and asks.

Night.7 shrugs her shoulders and gives a negative answer, “They seem to have expected that we would search, so the clues have been deleted, and...” She pauses, with a certain severity on her face, “When I want to have a further search, those people can hide me every time. Isn’t it a coincidence?”

It seems that they know what Nigh.7 and Ian will do in the next step.

“You mean there’s a mole?” Ian props up his chin, squints, and says.

“I don't doubt them. We've trained together since we were kids. They can't be spies.” Night.7 firmly shakes her head. It seems that she completely trusts other four people.

Ian smiles, “I don’t want to doubt them, either.”

Both of them keep silent. Then, suddenly, looking at Night.7, Ian asks, “Night.7, are you sure that there are only five people left in the 18-people group?”

Night.7 does not understand why Ian would ask such a question, but she still truthfully answers, “Yeah. We saw that other five people died.”

The fire burned everything in the Gilbert’s house, including those five people. In the end, they run away from the fire luckily at the cost of serious injure.

The fire is always their shadow and nightmare.

several words. And then he gives the computer back to her, and

for a few seconds, thinking about what Ian just said.

Night.7 decides to investigate the

came out slowly from behind the door of the empty stairwell. The man stares at the place

Then, he disappears behind the

Ian puts his hands in his pockets coolly. Today, he wears a pair of jeans with a small shirt with a cute pattern. He looks handsome and naughty, and

door. He does not see Jamie but only sees Jozo sitting near the

Who is she?

frowns, takes a deep breath and enters into

Jozo looks up and sees Ian coming in. Though she has seen the photos of Ian in the survey data, she is still very surprised

Everyone who knows Dan will feel surprised if he

They look like each

blinks her eyes, trying to hide the hatred in her

But the hatred has been seen

“Hello.” Jozo smiles at Ian softly. Her voice is so sweet that it seems that she is

hates Ian, Ian is Dan’s son. Thus, if she hopes to be accepted

unemotional killer in a five-person organization, Night.7’s psychology has become so skilled that it can control someone's

be great. Otherwise, he would not be able to control that man’s thought and kill him when he was fighting against the man in black.

retrospect, Ian’s little heart is still beating. It is very

So when Ian sees Jozo for the first time, he knows that the woman does not like him and

around the ward, but fails to find Jamie.

Wasn’t Mom pissed off by this bad woman? How can she let these monsters

you.” Ian smiles and calls Jozo as “aunt”.

smile gradually disappears and she turns to be angry, looking at Ian.

She thinks that Ian is as bad as Jamie.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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