Daddy, don't flirt

Chapter 195 The Competition

Making clothes?

The other girls look at her in disbelief. How can they make clothes if there are no cloths?

"Are you kidding ..." The girl flinches a little. Making clothes? She is not Jamie. How can she do that?

"Or, you can join together. As long as you can take pieces of cloths from me, you will all win."

What Jamie speaks amazes them.

These girls suddenly understand.

What she means is that they shall use the fabric on each other's clothes to make a new dress based on the original one.

It is so ridiculous, isn’t it?

"The time is limited within half an hour. Let's get started." Jamie's mouth twitches, and her index finger touches them slightly. "Do you want me to tell the director that you just slandered me? Or do you want to compete with me?"

The salary of Moon is high, and of course these girls cannot give up.

Within such a short time, even if Jamie is skillful, it is impossible for her have such ability to make a dress for them and wear it on them!

She just wants to scare them. They aren’t afraid of her.

Thinking about it, a few girls discusses about it. For fairness, they let a girl who has studied costume design to compete with Jamie.

"So, it's time to start." Jamie's eyes lift slightly, and her petite and soft body quickly reaches the two girls. She stretches her hand out to tear the girl's cloth, and the girl's dress is split into several pieces from the waist.

"Ah!" The girl doesn't expect that Jamie would be so vigorous. And before she can react, she sees Jamie's fingers twitching and moving like butterflies while tearing a few pieces from her clothes.

The girls watching from the side are also stunned. They even don’t know that

looks calm and peaceful. And from time to time she takes out the pearl clips added by the stylist in

Her fingers moves fast, but she is not in a hurry at all, as if she has practiced it

are beautiful, like a dancing elf, which makes others unable to divert

Time is almost up. Jamie narrows her eyes slightly and takes a hairpin out of her hair to fix it. Then she straightens her waist and moves back.

their breath because the newly-made dress on the girl makes them fail to turn their eyes away.

competing, a lot

is stunned. They can’t imagine that Jamie actually makes a new dress in less than

new designers really cannot be

people and looks at Jamie, who has a radiant confidence on

The girl is so shocked that she

a conservative goose yellow dress before, but now it is transformed into an irregular separated

the line from the inside, so it seems to have more folds which are sticking

sleeves are fixed with a pearl clip and are folded into

What's more amazing is that if Jamie tears off the upper cloth, then the lower part of the dress will fall. But Jamie uses the fabric ripped from the original dress and makes her a

The hemline of the dress is also inevitably torn. But Jamie just adds the arc of it. Thus, it looks light and at the same time

fabric. She only modifies and adds some decorations based on the

Jamie glances around to catch the reactions of the onlookers, and raises the corners of her

What really makes her proud is not how amazing this dress is, but is the fact that she wins the dignity and reputation for herself.

and asks in a light tone. But she has arrogance that cannot be ignored.

The girl immediately recovers, and the onlookers around her also gradually recover from the surprise.

The girls standing in the inner circle lower their heads in shame and embarrassment. What they said just now seems to slap back

beat them, but she just tells them with her strength that she can’t be slandered

If someone wants to defame her, he’d better think about the consequences.

independent than the past Jamie, who would say something embarrassing with a sharp tongue to others when she creates some troubles or when someone irritates her. At

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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