Daddy, don't flirt

Chapter 223 As Free as the Wind

The staff lifts her dress hem to make it easy for her to step on the stairs to the edge of the roof. The scene is already arranged and they are waiting for her.

The roof of the crystal hall is actually not open-air. It is closed by a layer of semi-circular glass in normal times. But at this time, it is opened.

There is a hanging garden on the rooftop. When Jamie walks from here to the end, she has to go over to the garden and put on an elf dress.

But Jamie needs a lot of courage to even step on the stairs. It’s hard for her to walk on it.

She grits her teeth and the uneasiness in her heart is getting heavier. Now she hasn’t stepped on it, but she has already thinks countless times in her heart, "Will I fall?" "Is there such a superman come to rescue me?" “Oh my god! Why it is so high?”

The fine sweat covers her bright forehead and slowly flows down through her lines. It falls on the light blue dress, leaving a trace.

She has even begun to beg God, Jesus, Jehovah, Buddha and other gods. In fact, she doesn't believe these. But at this time, she wishes to invite all those great gods.

The more she thinks, the more heavily her heart trembles.

Ryan looks worriedly at Jamie who is walking up step by step, frowning as if his eyebrows can squeeze a fly. He watches Jamie's movements for any seconds. He is ready to catch her immediately if she feels dizzy and accidentally falls down.

Finally, Jamie steps on the edge of the roof. It is about one meter wide, and the marble floor is cold.

Jamie steps on it with bare feet, and her calmness, the only thing she has when she is below, almost collapses.

She dares not to look down.

It seems it is the abyss below. If she looks at it, there will be a nine-headed monster rushing up and grabbing her little feet to pull her down.

the bottom of her feet to the whole body with the coldness of the floor. She was shivering. Not to mention to let her walking inside

She shouldn't force herself. If she doesn’t take this promotion,

Jamie's mind like a tide.

and tries to calm her mood, telling herself to walk past the rooftop just like walking normally. There

"Action!" The director orders and the

the sun's light is not very hot and the body feels warm. But Jamie still has a cold

It is not close and not far away. She still wears a belt

more confident. She cheers herself up in her heart and she slowly takes the

sky. She seems to walk on air and doesn’t have a sense

free as the wind ..." The director

expression of " as free as the wind " even if

The pretty face looks so nervous and she has no way to relax. Her whole body's blood

fashion designer, not a star or a model. She has no obligation to do this kind of thing. But this is Dan's task for her, and she doesn’t want

struggle for it, she has to

as dying for love!" The first time

layer of sweat in her palm. In normal times, she would tell the director that she knows it. But today, her upper teeth and lower teeth

"Restart!" With a wave of the director's hand, Jamie walks back to the beginning point and films again.

She continues step by step. Although her

first step is taken, the rest will be much better.

that's it. Go slowly, and then open your hands ... The expression must be good..." The director stares at the screen closely. Ryan can’t follow Jamie all the way. Otherwise it will affect the effect of filming. So he can only watch it in

safer since there’s a belt.

halfway, Jamie still can’t hold it and her feet become weak. Then she falls to the side.

His body quickly rushes forward and he firmly catches Jamie when she is about to land.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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