Daddy, don't flirt

Chapter 212 Sell Her Friend for the Man She Loved

Wendy knows this song, and she also knows that Jamie Moore loves this song. She has heard Jamie Moore humming the melody of this song for many times, and the ring of her mobile phone is also this song.

Although Ian Moore will change the ring of Jamie Moore's cell phone, Jamie Moore loves this song very much.

“It’s not easy to forget you

It’s doesn’t your fault, and I am so vulnerable

The love between us is as deep as the sea

No one could compare with you

You never put this in your eyes

I am not missing you for loneliness

It’s true that there is love between us, and I don’t cheat you

I will stand by you even if the whole world is against you

I suffer grievance for you

But I am willing to suffer these sufferings

What a pity! I lose you

I’m sorry, and I try all my effort

I never give up, and I just don’t want to see you

In this way, I will not hurt myself

What a pity! We can’t go back to the past

I am sad, and I am crying

I refuse the love from other people

I am just waiting for you...”

The sad voice of Jamie Moore resounds in the box, and the song of

against the soft sofa, and he closes his eyes slightly. It seems that there is light flow in his eyes. He puts his fingers on his legs. He kicks with the rhythm of the music and song, and no

see himself

but it could stop the song of Jamie Moore.

bottle. The song stops at the moment, and

the direction of the

people who look at

their eyesight. Then they continue to hear the song of

to sing song. The original singer on the screen behind her is about to finish singing this song. She doesn't think it's necessary to sing this song any

that Dan William

William. Dan William just sits there, and he holds a glass on his hand. The atmosphere around him is very cold. It seems

all people say goodbye to each other for a

of Jamie Moore and Wendy, Jamie Moore frowns for the strong smell on the body

nose, and then looks at the leaving backs of

in Jamie Moore’s eyes, and then she suddenly reminds of something, thus she

me." Jamie Moore catches the step of Dan William as she says. And soon the figure of Jamie Moore disappeared.

"You are such a woman who will leave friend alone for the man you loved.” Wendy murmurs.

Maybe Ian Moore will have a little sister soon...

Duke Field and Bruce Hill walks out together. Seeing this,

also has her own "great plan".

Dan William, but she doesn't see them leave the garden. Instead, he goes to the hotel of the garden. Even


Moore’s face turns white, and she bits her lips

Follow or not?

If Dan William finds her, what will

she couldn't care about anything, so she follows Dan

the hostel, Dan William has completed the formalities and walks towards the elevator. Jamie Moore takes out her ID card from her bag, and completes the formalities. She walks to the elevator with card and key in her hand. She looks at the rising number, and then she walks

William and July Summer will do in the room. Will he do something bad to July Summer.


the elevator opens, Jamie Moore walks out immediately.

stay with

loves the hug of him. But now

Jamie Moore hesitates for a while when she walks out of the elevator. There is some confusion in her eyes. And the scene that Dan William treats her coldly appeared in

No, no, Jamie Moore. You are a fool. If they make love, you will never be with him in your whole

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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