Daddy, don't flirt

Chapter 226 Accident

She walks forward slowly. One step… and two steps… She walks in a shaky way. But she has tried all her effort to do this.

Seeing Jamie Moore walks in a shivering and shaky way, the director doesn’t stop her. Even those stars dare not to do this kind of dangerous action. If Jamie Moore walks for several times, maybe she will reach the effect the director wants.

Jamie Moore continues to walk forward, and she feels that she is walking on the clouds. It seems that she is floating on the sky and she feels that her legs are soft. Every step is very difficult for her.

“Please walk in a straight way. Please walk in a straight way. Please walk in a straight way.”

She closes her eyes tightly and hypnotizes herself constantly in her heart. Fortunately, her sense of balance is not too bad. Although she doesn’t walks in a straight way, and she wears a stiff expression on her face, she does not deviate from her position.

Everyone would be afraid if he has to stand on such a high place, and walk on it with eyes closed. Jamie Moore is not an exception, but she never puts fear on her face. Instead, she worries in her heart. She is worried about whether she can complete the filming.

She represents the image of the whole CR.

The wind blows on her cheek and brings her hair beside the cheek to her ears. The cloth on her body is soft and delicate, which makes her feel comfortable. This makes her feel relaxed.

With this, she is gradually relaxed. She wears a comfortable expression on her face and waits the close shot of the camera.

When the critical moment comes, Jamie Moore has walked to the end of the position. Then she opens her eyes slowly. She slightly turns her body, and then the waist belt lifts her whole body to the air. With the rise of hanging wire, Jamie Moore tiptoes and then jumps from the edge.

Hanging wire hoists her highly. At that moment, Jamie Moore could look down at the roof below from the sky. If she looks around, she could see the scenery beyond the roof.

This is really difficult. Props and safety measures must be well arranged to avoid accidents.

The director claps for Jamie Moore. This scene is perfect, and the filming of this scene passes in a time. It saves the time of acting again.

When the camera is filming the scene that Jamie Moore is in a high sky, Ryan Jack walks to the garden after receiving the signal of the director.

wire puts Jamie Moore down gradually,

on it is loose, thus the rope on hanging wire keeps sliding. Thus Jamie Moore, who is in the air, loses her support and drops down quickly.


wants to catch something, but she is in the air, and she can’t catch

I will die. It’s so bad.” Jamie

closes her eyes tightly. She presses her lips bitterly, and she is ready

will be popular after they make a movie. And then they will have money

someone rushes toward Jamie Moore, and even the staff doesn’t see it clearly. A figure rush to Jamie Moore quickly when Jamie Moore is about to drop to the ground. That man holds Jamie Moore in his arms, and then they roll

Jamie Moore is a little dizzy. Her eyes are hazy; she can't see the scene clearly. She doesn't know who is holding her in his arms, and she only smells a light lavender fragrance.

Who saves her?

She wants to open her eyes to see the people in front of her, but several busy and anxious voices resound

propaganda film is filmed here except the staff members. They block the news as soon as there is an accident. Otherwise, if the news of the incident leaks out, the propaganda film

hospital is very heavy, which lingers in the nose. What people sees is

angels, but also the color of Chinese funeral.

Jamie Moore doesn’t get hurt very much, and only the skin around her arm is worn. Compared with the man who saves her,

resounds in Jamie Moore’s ear. Jamie Moore, who lies on the bed, frowns, and then

face of Ian Moore and the cold and angry face

a little confused, and

She remembers that she was filming. Then she rose to the sky, and looked at the landscape on the ground from the sky. But when she was about to land…

got out of control, so the belt at her waist slipped, thus she almost fell to the ground.

It seems that someone has rushed to her and

suffer some minor injuries. You can leave the hospital today." Ian Moore smiles at her. But the smile on her face is a little reluctant.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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