Daddy, don't flirt

Chapter 234 Be Afraid of Heights

Edward stuns for a moment, and just wants to tell him that the contract hasn't been signed yet. But he sees that Dan William has stood up.

On the other side, Jamie sees Dan found her and she doesn’t know what she thinks. She suddenly flinches. Before he finishes talking with the client, she hurries to leave.

She just wants to escape away quietly. She creeps cautiously like a cat for a few steps, and she hits the cupboard which is full of wine with a snap. She is knocked to the ground by the reactive force.

"Ah..." She supports her hands backwards and stabilizes her body. She accidentally places her palm in the place where there are glass fragments, and her calf is also hurt by the springing glass fragments.

Ah! Is it inappropriate for her to go out today?

"Lady, are you okay?" The waiter comes to her and asks.

Jamie is about to shake her head and go away, but she finds a shadow covering her. Then she looks up and finds that it is Dan. She doesn’t know when he comes to her.

She shrinks her neck, trying to shrink her head into her clothes so that he cannot recognize her.

In fact, Dan discovers her as soon as she walks into the hotel. This is the reason why he doesn't go to the eighth floor but changes to the third floor.

He remembers that she is afraid of heights.

His deep eyes stay on her bleeding hand and he frowns. The atmosphere around him suddenly becomes horrible.

Oh my god. He's angry. Will he rape her before killing her and then throw her dead body into the remote mountains just because she follows him secretly?

But Jamie finds sadly that Dan suddenly squats down, which stops her only survival way!

She is really over!

Jamie grimaces, thinking about whether to say hello or something. However, she doesn’t expect that Dan even hugs her and strides toward the elevator.

a little bit surprised; she thinks she will be scolded by him seriously. After

his arms. She really wishes to let time stay at

of the hotel. He puts

your force. Ah, help me. It really hurts!" As soon as the disinfectant touches the wound,

here?" Dan asks casually and reduces the force of his

she answers, "I haven't eaten the dishes in

as if he doesn’t doubt

secretly that she has solved it. But she hears a cold voice from there,


Jamie hears it, her face instantly flushes. Her eyes look to other place. She forgets the pain on the wound and defend for herself,

it, then she really doesn’t have

out an ointment and squeezes some of it out on his fingertips. Then he applies it evenly on her wounds and

"Okay, it's all right."

mind, scratching her head

water as possible as you can, so as to avoid infection during this time." His voice is as low as before, which makes the listener

pause, he looks away from Jamie's furry head to other places. "I'm leaving because I have something else to solve. Can you go back by


she thinks that this is unbelievable. She looks up at him in surprise. Come on. She is already hurt. Does he actually feel relieved

is it different from the plot in

that he

she do? What

She comes here with the determination to pester him. Therefore, she is not willing to he let him

that she has to

in disregard of the wound on her leg. And then her

person on his body and subconsciously putting his hand to the back to firmly

help laughing and his voice is still as dumb as usual. She hugs his neck tightly, and buries her small face in his neck.

she is doing

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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