Daddy, don't flirt

Chapter 236 The dog Is Coaxed by Me.

"Mommy, your saliva." Ian frowns, looking at Jamie mournfully.

"Bad boy, do you still care about this in this age?" Jamie pats helplessly on his forehead, and then she feels something brushing across her leg.

What the hell?

She immediately looks down and sees a cute dog.

"This is ... Big White Bear?" Jamie's eyes suddenly lighten.

She immediately puts Ian down. Then she hugs Kiki with surprise.

Ian does not have any dissatisfaction when seeing Jamie holding Kiki with a happy face. He smiles with beaming eyes. He knows that mummy will like it. From the past mummy has said that she must own a cute dog. But she has no chance and no time. Now it seems that her dream is finally achieved.

Will Daddy be intentional? Ian looks at Kiki and thinks by himself.

"Bunny, where do you get the dog? It looks so cute." Jamie holds Kiki which is still a bit heavy. She uses a hand to smooth its dog hair and asks.

Ian is speechless, "Mommy, who tell you that the dog is coaxed by me? This is a gift from Daddy to Bunny. It's very smart. It will do whatever I order."

"Really?" Jamie raises her eyebrows. Why does Dan give Ian such a dog? She then says, "Mommy is exhausted when I have to raise you. Now I have to take care of a dog?"

Exhausted? Ian's mouth twitches. Mommy, what the hell are you exhausted?

"Bunny will take care of Kiki by myself. In the future, Kiki will follow Bunny. Kiki eats whatever Bunny eats." Ian raises his round chin and takes Kiki out of Jamie's arms.

seems to understand Ian's words, sticking his tongue out

clear eyes. Then she chuckles, "Bad boy." Then she walks to the villa with

his dog will eats what he eats at the beginning of the month. While he will eats whatever the dog eats at the end

the expenses of raising a lot of dogs. So she doesn’t worry about

it looks like that Kiki is not a normal dog. Dan

villa, they see Jozo sitting under the flower stand. She is holding the scissors in one hand and a pink rose in the other hand and is looking at the bifurcated branches. Seeing Jamie

beautiful face will be noticed by

and fall on Ian.

boy is the key to

herself as a guest. She really intends to live here and

it, she looks around and she is a little

yet. Are you looking for him?" Jozo asks as she puts the well-cut

Jamie frowns and

that he has been playing with Kiki before. So

doesn't return after he sends her

to eat first. Kiki seems to be hungry." Ian points to Kiki, who is rubbing his short legs

the undercurrent is working. In addition, Mia, who kidnapped Jamie before, has not been found. The man

group that takes Mia away. As for who they are, it is strange that those people seem to know them very well. Every time when they just find some

she steps

and then visit

almost stable but it still needs to be observed. He will be transferred to

Jamie should take good

goes into the bedroom to take some clothes. When she is

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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