Daddy, don't flirt

Chapter 275: Don't be stupid

"Something is wrong." He wants to have a look, but he is stopped by a woman.

"Don't be stupid. What if she sees you?” The woman blocks in front of him.

"I don’t care about that. Anyway, she must be kept alright." He wants to push the woman away, but she stands still not to let him go.

"The master will return in any minute. Do you want something bad happened now? You stay here. I'll go to have a look." Finished, she looks at him for a while, and turns away.

Frustrated, he steps back, and t looks at the closed bathroom door. Then he sees that woman walk to the room. At the door, she knocks but receives no answer.

No patience to wait, she kicks the door hardly. After several kicks, the door is open.

Then the scene of the bathroom appears in the monitors.

Jamie Moore lies in the blood that is still drifting from the wound on her wrist. On the cold white floor, it feeds the eye with shock.

The woman, who stands at the door, is also shocked. She never expects that Jamie Moore would be so upset that she even cut her wrist and commit suicide!

The man, who stands in front of the screen, holds his hand tightly. To refrain from his impulsion to rush to her rescue, he lowers his head and avoids the sight of Jamie Moore.

He can’t rush to her. If he did, he would ruin everything.

That woman immediately calls some people to help and she herself carries Jamie Moore from the blood to her breast, and gets out of the room.

The wound is cut by Jamie Moore herself. She knows to avoid fatal hurt. Though it’s still bleeding, she still has her sense.

When that woman carries her in her arms, she opens her eyes to see who is that.

At the sight of the woman, her heart nearly stops. She can hardly believe it, so she got so anxious and right away shut her eyes.

Pork! It’s

she met him! What’s more,


asked her to

clear that there is something wrong

has lost a lot of blood, her mind is in a mess now. But she still tries all her efforts to keep herself

only chance. If she can’t seize

know what Anna Pork and Hooson want to do, but it will not be

when Hooson appears around her every time.

She carries Jamie Moore in her arms all the way to the garage and puts

Jamie Moore also knows this, otherwise, she will not cut her wrists so


gamble——a gamble of life

doesn't bet this time, she can only wait for death. If she does bet, she can at least fight for a chance. If she doesn't try, she will

she wins the

comes to the garbage directly from a

people. Moreover, she is very capable with labor, while Jamie Moore is just a fail girl lack of physical strength. Thus she doesn’t pay much attention to her

the villa report this to Dan William, but no one knows that

her wrist dealt with first-aid measures, the bleeding is stopped. Besides the left hand she cut, she still has her right hand for action. The bottle

Pork focuses on driving without noticing Jamie. She sits up immediately when she finds the chance.

sense. When she opens her eyes,

and then she realizes that she is driving. Thus she steps on the brake at once. At the same time, Jamie Moore opens the door

Port wants to catch Jamie Moore, but she can’t see anything. Thus she grabs a bottle of water and gets out to wash her

lost too much blood that she gasps after running for a few steps. But

that Anna Pork almost catches up with her.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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