Daddy, don't flirt

Chapter 270 Their goal.

Are those people's goals really Ryan instead of Jamie?

Dan squats down and looks at the blood on the ground. Why does he have an intuition that the matter is for Jamie in this time?

This finally comes. Since the fall happened, he knows that someone has been planning something behind.

So who is it?


"Derek, immediately block the entire city A. In addition, go and investigate who Ryan has been with these days and bring Hooson to me." Dan commands in a calm voice.

Ian does not relax. It is the first time that he called Night 1 during these days. He ordered him to find Jamie.

But this time, things don't seem so simple.


It seems that after a long period of time, the heavy eyelids can't be opened. The more you want to open your eyes, the more uncomfortable your brain will be.

Where is it?

Jamie's eyelids move a few times and then she finally opens her eyes. Looking at the vague scenery in front of her, she props herself up.

Unexpectedly, here is not like the abandoned warehouse or factory when she was kidnapped where the environment was remote and cold with black dirty water on the ground.

Instead, here is very clean and looks clean and bright.

Perhaps because of the good environment, Jamie's tense heart relaxes a little, but there is no way to move it violently.

that the biggest action she can do

she is completely controlled in this

dared to give her medicine!

What about

opens and a girl dressed in an exotic style comes in, holding a tray in her hand. She just walks

we? What about the man who comes with me?" Jamie doesn't expect to get the answer of the stupid question of who brought her here from her mouth. But if

that they

and Ryan out of City A in such a short time?

girl covers her face with light veil, from the outline under the veil, she can

girl doesn't speak while she is placing

Not talking?

and she has her own way.

her body in pain. She covers her abdomen and looks painful.

doesn’t understand the complicated thoughts in Jamie’s mind. And her superior ordered her to take good

As expected it is not City A, even the accent is not of people from City A.

want to go to the toilet. Can you help me?" She looks up at the girl

hesitates for a while, presumably thinking that the medicine is still on her body. So she doesn't worry about it and

with great effort to the window. So she can look out through

that it is green. But it doesn’t seem very remote and there are often

can these people, who kidnapped them, put them in this place? Isn't it easy

again and knocks on the door, indicating

her back to the

also a smart and principled foodie. God knows whether they will put anything on it

water can't be touched here, but fortunately she is not hungry

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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