Daddy, don't flirt

Chapter 273 We can go on according to the original plan

"He’s arrested in another room and is not awake yet," The female answers.

"Well, we can go on according to the original plan. By the way, there is no need to add medicine in her meals or water. She can't run away." The man turns around and looks at Jamie's side face on the screen with a touch of tenderness and pity.

In the next two days, Jamie doesn't see anyone except someone who takes food on time.

The girl says to her that the host claims that the food is safe when she came in to give her the meal yesterday. So please don’t worry about it and enjoy the meals.

Jamie is not surprised, because there are monitors in this room and all her actions must be under the control of those people.

But in that person's tone, it doesn't seem that he wants to hurt her. Who is it? Why does he treat with great concern? For what?

While eating, Jamie is thinking about it. She has no value. If there is, then it is ... the myth ring!

Are those people for myth ring?

But this seems to be unreasonable. The goal of those people is obviously Ryan. She accidentally met them. If not, she would not be taken away together.

Damn it! It’s really a brain-mangling problem.

Jamie angrily pokes the beef on the plate with a fork, regarding this as those people.

Dan must have found her missing for a long time. But she hasn't been found yet, which means that it's really hard to find this place. She has to find a way to contact them.

the only communication tool she carries is taken away by them. How can

the knife and fork after the meal. She walks back and

But with so many cities in country C, finding someone from so many cities is equal to find a tiny needle

search in countries B and C and we have not yet found the location where Jamie is." Derek hangs up the phone and walks over to Dan. He lowers his head to report

it has been taken two full days. But there is

full of tiredness, and his eyebrows are filled with great worries. There are red bloodstains in his eyes, and there are blue in his eye sockets. He hasn’t taken rest for two days and now he is

that they took mummy away because of the myth ring, then mummy must be safe now." Ian walks over with a laptop and his hand is supporting the bottom of the laptop.

soften when he sees Ian. He rubs his small head and looks at

you remember the necklace you send to mummy?" Ian zooms in on the map and points the mouse at the pattern of the


slightly and

of that necklace, the necklace is also equipped with a small GPS, which can be used in GPS positions. The reason why the stone is not polished or cut is because there is something in it, which is reserved by the original owner of the necklace. "Ian zooms in on the map a little more and

reminding of it and telling him, maybe they will waste more time

all natural but is composed of two parts. The GPS locator is sandwiched between the two parts, and the obsidian color

locator in the necklace. Maybe it is also

lot." Dan's lips lightly raise and his big hand is rubbing Ian's head. His movement becomes

tells me." Ian just smiles happily and feels delighted to be praised by

guess that the woman he met at that day must have a relationship

I can't find the specific position of mummy." Ian's little fingers

as if it is specially designed

and enters a line of letters. Then

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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