Daddy, don't flirt

Chapter 304: Make Concession to Avoid Trouble

Anthony Lockwood knows that this man will not admit it. He knows that though he gives up the right to inherit the Family, he could not satisfy their ambitions. They ask somebody to monitor him all the time.

In the past, Anthony Lockwood would make concession to avoid trouble. If they like to monitor him, they can do this. But now Jamie Moore and Ian Moore come back, and that man almost hurt Jamie Moore. This is what Anthony Lockwood can’t bear with.

Now Jamie Moore and Ian Moore is here, he doesn’t allowed that there is some dangerous around them.

Today they ask someone to monitor him in the manor. What will they do tomorrow? Will they hurt people around him?

"Blake." Anthony Lockwood glances at the housekeeper, who understands his meaning immediately. Then he takes that man out.

Although Anthony Lockwood doesn’t say it clearly, it’s Blake who did this, and it means this man will lose his life soon or later.

Since they want to make trouble with him, don’t blame that he will do something bad to them back.

Jamie Moore bites her lips, and she is thinking something.

When Blake takes that man away, Anthony Lockwood says to Jamie Moore and Ian Moore with a smile, “OK. Let’s have breakfast now.”

"Well, thank you, Dad." Jamie Moore stands up, and then she and Ian Moore look at each other.

It seems that they are saying——whee! We can eat free meal now~

"By the way, Dad, why isn't brother here? Is he still in the company at this time? "Jamie Moore asks as she spreads ketchup on the toast.

Anthony Lockwood havs asked the servants to set the table on the lawn. This place is bathed in the bright but not dazzling sunshine. The wind blows gently, and there is a lake across the lawn.

lake in Europe. The water comes from the melting snow and rain on the Alps. If she has enough time,

Lockwood blinks, “Yes, he will come back at night. We don’t need to wait him now.”

then he spreads the ketchup for Anthony Lockwood. Then he hands it to Anthony Lockwood, and says, “Grandpa, this is

Lockwod picks up the bread handed by Ian Moore, and his face are full of smile. Seeing this, even

Ian Moore in the Country C, thus he hasn’t smiled like this for a

small town of Annecy in the future. After you and your brother were born, we would live here together.” Anthony Lockwood

toast. She stops eating when she hears something about Adele

come here alone to make her dream come true." Anthony Lockwood says slowly. There isn’t any sadness in his voice. Instead, it’s happiness

am sorry I could

blame you. You and mother were forced to do this. I live with my mother happily." Jamie Moore smiles, and what appears in

William. She likes listening to the stories that she could not understand at that time, but that she

knows the story she loved are all about her

William. Mommy has told her something before leaving. Mommy told her that she should cherish the

Jamie Moore doesn’t know what she meant

likes eating chestnut cake most. She likes to lie on the arm of her mommy, and listening to

the love between other people, she clearly remembers that when mom mentions her father in the story, her smile was gentle and moving, which

years later, when she returns country C and fell in love with Dan William,

years, but now, she thinks that she

appreciation, but he always holds her as his treasure. He

I know my mother loves you very much, so I never blame you." Jamie Moore smiles. Tears even

in the room of Adele Gilbert secretly, but she never

Ian Moore, she can feel that her mother protects her with her small strength at

wants to give her all the best things to make up for her, but they ignore one thing. She had grown up and she has become a mother.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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