Daddy, don't flirt

Chapter 320: Cuckold

Jamie smiles slyly because she knows that this damn woman always insists that she doesn’t like Eddie and was purely friends with him, ha!

Doesn’t like? Why then was she staring at his picture the other day?

Dan snickers, seeing Jamie’s sly smile. She looks so beautiful as the rays of the sun shines on her perfect porcelain complexion. Her eyes sparkles as her pink lips pursed. His heart starts to race as it feels heavy, weighed down by something unseen——the whole world for him. He smiles in content.

It’s a pity that Jamie missed the moment as she hums a tune after getting back at Wendy.

Although the engagement ceremony was over for a couple of days, the incident continues to resonate. The news of the daughter of Swift family making a cuckold out of the son of Field family has spread across the entire A city. It became the talk of the town.

Mr and Mrs Field are furious and broke off all contacts with the Swift family. Even an ongoing project between the two families was forcibly terminated. Mr Field also cut off all ties between Duke and Joey. He also restricted Duke to the house and till today is still fuming.

Duke and Bruce are different from Dan. It is rumored that Dan will be taking over the family business. From the time the family business was renamed CR, almost half of the business was built up by him. Not only in C country, even overseas, he has a certain reputation and authority. From head to tail, he is not a person to be underestimated.

entrust the entire family business to their sons. Duke and Bruce are both masters of the household. At CR, their status was that of the General Manager level even though they don’t turn up regularly.

Jamie continues to work

will not design wedding gowns for anyone. She focuses her heart and mind on CR’s winter season exhibition and its design plans. However, she never expected someone to find her in person and they were well known to

Jason. Harriet brought some fine gifts and said apologetically with a wide smile. Jason on

and invites them to sit down. “You’re too kind Ms Chris, except that I no longer

Harriet pulls Jamie’s hand, says apologetically, “We know, we were wrong those days. We were hoping

to the point.” Jamie says calmly as

need the police? She

locate you until today. That’s why we would like to trouble you to design for our own wedding gown.” Harriet says and smiles politely. Even she did not expect to receive so much praises for the engagement gown. On that occasion, every woman loved the gown and she

wedding gown has such immense effect, she would never have agreed for Jason to lock her up. She

CR to be so protective of her. When Jamie was missing, he almost turned the place upside down looking for her. They now know how important this designer, by the name of

were they? When she altered their engagement gown out of goodwill, not only did she not receive a word of gratitude, she was locked up and literally kidnapped and almost lost her life. Now they still have the gall to come in front of her and ask her to design their wedding gown? Fuck

bookings. I’m afraid I have to disappoint you.” Jamie calmly says without any

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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