Daddy, don't flirt

Chapter 309: Self-accusation.

Jamie Moore looks at it curiously, and then she sees the hand of his son is taken by an old man. She presses her lips. Her son is so popular among the old and the young. But the face of this old man seems familiar...

Even though Jamie Moore is surprised, she also finds the wrong atmosphere here. It seems that the people on the both side are afraid of this man. It can be seem that the identity of this man is not simple.

It’s possible.

Jamie Moore looks at the old man with her eyes opened. No wonder she feels so familiar with him. He looks like her father. So is this man her grandfather?

The old man has walked to Jamie Moore and Anthony Lockwood with Ian Moore. The old man looks at Anthony Lockwood with joy. There is love and guilt on his face. In a word, the expression on his face is very complex.

It’s the same as the thinking of her. Jamie Moore just looks at him quietly.

"Dad." Anthony Lockwood asks. He still looks very warm. Although he is in his middle age, girls who love uncles will still be attracted by him.

The old master of the Lockwood Family feels a little comfortable. Then he pats on the shoulder of Anthony Lockwood, “It’s better that you come back. I mean it”

Anthony Lockwood is moved after hearing the words of the old master of the Lockwood Family. He doesn’t come back for so many years. He hurts the heart of his father, thus he is a little guilty.

Although his brothers all see him as the enemy, his father really loves him.

How could he be so ungrateful?

"This is?" The old master of the Lockwood Family looks at Jamie Moore. It seems that he has seen this girl once.

Jamie Moore looks up when she hears the words of the old master of the Lockwood Family. She smiles at him sweetly, “Hello, grandpa, my name is Jamie Moore, and I am your granddaughter.

of the Lockwood Family is moved by this. He looks at Jamie Moore who looks like Adele Gilbert. He finally reminds

He says to Anthony Lockwood when he hears the name of Jamie Moore, “I remember you told me that the name of your brother is Chris Lockwood, and the name of the little sister is Color Lockwood.


Color Lockwood?

name. The name of the brother is Chris Lockwood, and the name of the little sister should be Color

I named Jamie Moore." Seeing that Anthony Lockwood

has told this to her when she is still young. Her mother hopes her live happily, thus

father thinks her name is Color Lockwood. So when they meet for the first

not because of the surname of the Moore Family. It’s because her name is Jamie Moore. If her surname is Lockwood, her name should

Anthony Lockwood’s eyes, and then

The old master of the Lockwood Family

smile on her face is clean and bright.

men presented focus their eyes on

she just stands there with a smile, but the temperament on her body

Family has seen Jamie

protect Mommy, thus Mommy will live happily!” Ian Moore hears the words of them. But he never thinks that this kind old man is

up, many people will love him. Now he is so young, he knows

these words. He looks at Ian

is the son of his

anything happier

I'm the son of my mommy, and I am your great grandson.” Ian Moore bows politely, and he looks like a gentleman now.

good boy. Today I don’t prepare gifts for you. Now I will send this to you as a gift." The old master of the Lockwood Family smiles happily. And then he takes a ring off his hand

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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