Daddy, don't flirt

Chapter 348: Is She Mad?

She knew it. Jamie acts like she doesn’t hear anything and continue closing her eyes.

“What’s good about woman like you except for lying man? Who’s gonna look up to you except for my brother?” Amelia sees her ignorance and ridicules her even harder.

She sees taunting Jamie as her fun since that thing happen, taunting her every time she sees her is making her feels good.

Jamie will kill her if she knows she has this kind of abnormal psychology.

What a crazy woman.

“You think a person like you can be a part of our Williams’ family? HAHA!”

Then, Amelia suddenly smiles, she gets closer to Jamie, “You thought I really want to say that to you?”

This is like a miracle, she’s criticizing Jamie literally one second before, then she’s smiling to her now…?

Jamie can’t help looking up to the sky, wondering if she has got mad today.

“Then what do you want to say?”

“I wanna say that, since I can’t fight with you, why don’t we make peace? Because fighting makes me tired too.” Amelie says and her face is rarely gentle today.

Oh my, is the sun coming up from west and going down to the east?

Jamie is shocked and she’s aware, “What do you want?”

Amelia blinks her innocent eyes, “Don’t you wanna make peace with me? I’m for real right now.”

She sees Jamie isn’t answering, then she continues, “We have to live together since you are marrying my brother afterwards, fighting you is no good for me, and will cost my lovely brother, what do you think?”

reason, fighting with her and making the relationship with

reason that Amelia will change may be that Dan is not caring

real?” Jamie is

the things that happens before, I will

that happens

heart trembles for a second, this thing is still her biggest

peace.” Then she reaches

reaches her hand out,

evoke a cold arc and it’s hard to see, then it turns back to normal quickly,

that much, she just feels like these many years have passes by, Amelia hates her for so

she eats more than before

the observation deck to see the night view, her move makes Dan and Ian shock, even

Amelia changes?

the night

wearing a white winter coat, and her pocket is small, so she puts her phone to her


phone, Amelia is a little impatient when she’s finding but then she stops when

Why is it here?” Amelia looks at the thing in her hand and says,

but Jozo says this is a important thing to her and can’t give it to her, even

this at Jamie,

and shuts off her phone, she sees Amelia is holding her clan

see Jozo has one too, does your family gives

eyes shine, she can’t help grabbing the clan

emblem, nobody from the outside will get this, her brother Chris once said, his crew


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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