Daddy, don't flirt

Chapter 351: Simply the Scum of Society

To Katt’s astonishment, Dan just ignored his declaration of war between two real men.

Katt feels so angry now, and the situation will turn out to be worse.

After thinking a while, a good idea suddenly occurs to him, and an insidious and foxy expression climbs up on his face.

Noticing an overseas e-mail sent via the internet, Dan frowns, and then opens it but instantly his perfect face turns somber.

Because in that e-mail are all photos of Jamie, including photos of her in sexy dress, photos of her back or full face from the front. From the point of view, these photos are captured secretly, but they all look good.

Dan can’t believe Jamie would wear so few clothes and to be exposed to many other men.

Staring at the screen, Dan looks more somber and threatening. He copies all photos in a document folder, adds a password protection, and finally deletes that e-mail.

Then boss Dan takes an action.

He hacks the FS system, plants a few viruses by the way, and hacks Ethan's computer, bringing up the large scale photos of Katt and his lovers he had saved on his computer.

He then packages the pictures into a compressed file and sends it directly to Secretary Zhang, asking her to contact a well-known British newspaper, and to send the file to it.

After finishing this, boss Dan looks a little better. He starts to continue his work leisurely.

Since Dan gave Jamie a car, it has been more convenient for Jamie to get around, and she had no need to bother Cindy.

to school from Monday to Friday, so during the time it is Jamie and the servants who take care of

so Jamie decides to go out to buy some canned

easy to keep. It is not particular about food. All the canned food Dan bought before are introduced in English, but Jamie still

worth the money for my one-week snacks." Jamie is surprised at the price of the can,

dogs lives

cans from the shelf, and then takes some from another location.

estimates that her purse will be flat after

teetering on the edge because it has been placed much near to the edge

dog cans and making comparisons. She tries to recall the brand that Kiki has

looks at the English on the can, nods, and put the other one

out! There is a loud scream, and Jamie looks back with the can in her hand, seeing a figure coming toward her, and before she recovers

Bump! Bump!

falls to the ground with a dull thud and it is full of red

the sound. She looks livid when she notices the red wine spread over the floor,

the ground by a man, who holds the back of her head in his palms to keep it from hitting the ground. Now she slightly opens her eyes, seeing a familiar and handsome

Chris, a flash of surprise appears in her

and matching scarf, holds his forefinger to his lips in a gesture of silence, and then stands up with a graceful turn and pulls Jamie

you break all the wine on purpose?" Coming to her senses, the saleswoman

section are all imported. Although there are only six bottles, the price of each bottle is worth several-month salary of the salesgirl. She cannot

one else had seen it, nobody knew the truth that it

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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