Daddy, don't flirt

Chapter 341: Cold and Trashy Personality

Cold and trashy personality

Jamie and Wendy exchange looks and immediately understands the other, they smiled sinisterly.

“Dad, mom, this is Jamie. Do you still remember her? We wore the same trousers.” Wendy pulls Jamie to the sofa next to her parents, a distance from Duke.

Who wore a pair of trousers with you? Jamie spits out a clot while smiling and politely greets, “Uncle and Auntie, how do you do. It has been a long time since we last met. Somehow you look even younger than before!”

Mr. and Madam Wales love to be praised for looking young, particularly Madam Wales.

“Of course I remember, this is Jamie, wow, how you’ve grown and your mouth has become sweeter.” Madam Wales replies with a smile while seeing Jamie nodding.

“How can we forget Wendy’s good friend? Jamie, treat this as your home and don’t stand on ceremony.” Mr. Wales says and gets the servant to serve them a glass of juice.

Duke casually looks at Jamie and Wendy, without any changes to his mood.

“Ms. Wales, Missus, how do you do.” Duke gently nods and politely greets Wendy and Jamie.

Jamie finds it amusing. She is younger than Duke and for him to address her as Missus, is rather interesting.

“Good day, Mr. Field.” Wendy simply replies Duke’s greeting. Now when she sees Duke, she doesn’t get excited but is calm as a pool of dead water.

“Wendy, Jamie and Duke were from the same high school, weren’t you? You knew each other well, don’t you?” Madam Wales says as she remembers, without any motives.

Jamie and Wendy are taken aback with surprise! Can it be that Madam Wales detects something?

mom, I’ve long forgotten about it.” Wendy sticks out her

finger, seemingly despising her for not behaving like

forget, previously you

incident in

Wales looks at Wendy, “This child, how dare you interrupt your mother in front of so

between mother and daughter makes Jamie think of her mother. They used to do this too. But that can never happen again, she isn’t

coming year our profits will increase by approximately 30%.” Mr. Wales looks at the document brought by Duke and

any problems, please sign on the document.” Duke smiles and takes a sip from the

and practically agrees but he doesn’t have a


Wales wipes his glasses, he picks up the necklace and inspects it

memories flash before Duke’s eyes but he pretends

to each other and did not notice

Why is it with you?” Madam Wales says faster than

Madam Wales. It

this necklace?” He

once told him that the Star of the Sea was given to her by her mother as a birthday present. She never shows it to anyone. Then

answer is about to

we wanted to give her a present. This child wants a totally one of a kind gift.” Madam Wales takes the Star of

Sea, even the pattern on it was designed by my wife

he lifts the Star of the Sea towards the light and puts it in front of Duke for him

the unique snowflake pattern, and, in the middle, there is a little grain of rice. On it, there is a name,

given by the Wales to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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