Daddy, don't flirt

Chapter 371: Poisoning Coma

Worried that Jozo will see her, she tries not to be too blatant. She can only hide her own breath while looking for her slowly. Sure enough, it makes her find not only Jozo, but Jamie Moore too.

Not knowing where Jozo is bringing Jamie Moore, she quietly follows them while at the same time noticing they are being followed by two men in black. Alma recognizes one as one of Dan William’s subordinates, while the other she doesn’t recognize at all. Since he is following Jamie Moore, she isn’t sure whether he is friend or foe.

To be on the safe side, she makes the man she recognized confront the one she doesn’t recognize, before following Jamie Moore herself. But what Alma doesn’t know, is that this move that later will lead to many irreparable things, undoubtedly cut of the only chance Jamie Moore has of escaping those people.

The other person who is also following Jamie Moore, is Night.5, a member of the five-person organization sent by Bunny to protect his Mommy. About to catch up with Jamie Moore, Night.5 is suddenly stopped

After a fight, he is surprised at the man’s strength that is not inferior to him. Their strength is relative, and there is no victory nor defeat for a while. Night.5 wants to resolve the fight as soon as possible, but is then entangled by the man, which results in him losing sight of Jamie Moore.

“Who are you?” Night.5 asks in a cold and calm voice as he looks at the person who was wearing the same clothing as him, but still very different. Although Night. 5’s breath is cold and heavy, the anger remains. The man is really cold, as if cold to the bone.

“You don't have to know.” Mone William coldly whispers, not halting his fight and continuing to greet Night. 5’s fighting style. Mone William and Alma are familiar with each other, so naturally he will not doubt her words that this person is a suspect. He was ordered by Dan William to protect Jamie Moore, so he won’t let anyone take advantage of that.

But, it seems you and Alma have created great opportunities for the enemy, brother. Li Mo doesn’t realize that he has made a big mistake. He can’t get away from Night.5, and has no way of reporting to Bunny. Moreover, he first has to beat the man.

Jamie Moore get into a car that is parked in front of them. Standing in the same place while deep in

will alarm Jozo. These seconds of thinking and being confused, become fatal for Alma. A man silently approaches her, and knocks her

phone. Once night falls, conspicuously in the dark, the black screen of the phone suddenly lights up. Two


him to fetch Jozo. It turns out that Jozo is in a coma for some reason, uncertain whether she will

result is that her food was poisoned.

floating through his body is even more frightening. Now it's basically certain that Jamie Moore’s disappearance

wakes up……

He then calls Bruce Hill and Duke field to come over, and they are

still, and not wanting to be alone with Duke Field, she

already?” Bruce Hill asks as he enters the room on the second floor and sees Dan William behind the desk. Duke

aren’t many she has offended. Is someone playing tricks?” Wendy asks. Jamie Moore doesn’t get along with many people, so she only knows

established that it has something to do with this person.” Dan William says as he turns the computer on his desk to them. The video pauses

could Jamie Moore and her be together?

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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