Daddy, don't flirt

Chapter 396: Why do You Betray Me?

After leaving Bunny’s room, Jamie walks out of the villa calmly, pressing the button on her necklace. Then she gets on her car in the underground parking lot to leave the manor.


Escorted by cold wind, Jamie drives directly to the wharf of City A in the leaden sky.

It’s January, and the Chinese Spring Festival is coming in less than half a month.

With gloom in her eyes, Jamie touches the necklace. It’s cold outside. She puts on her long white woolen coat and gets off the car.

The wharf is quiet, for no ships passing by. There are few ships moored to the seashore without people on them.

Jamie realizes Ryan has cleaned out the wharf beforehand.

With chill wind against her face, she heads for the appointed place, head drawn in, nose red, and eyes glittering.

She stops at a unique yet beautiful ship.

“I’ve got the ring. Come out and take it,” Jamie says to the people inside.

Then Ryan and Twelve come out of the dark and stop at her.

With hope in her eyes, she sniffs and says, “I give you what you want as promised, and you should tell me my past now.”

It’s more of a trade than payment.

trades the ring

weak girl pretending to be tough, and feels compassionate. “Sweetheart,

at him with confusion, and she’s delicate that Ryan feels protective of

ring?” Twelve tilts her head and feels amused. She wonders if Jamie will kill herself if she recalls her

smiles and stretches her hand out toward

bites her lip, debating with

her hesitation, Ryan knows she’s ashamed of

to recall nothing in her mind. What

puts on his smug face with gentle gaze as if drowned in great

to hurt her. From now on, he swears he’ll take

her weakness ignites the fire

pulls out the black ring from her pockets, which is warmed by her body. However,

with frustration and fury, shocking Jamie to shiver, and the ring slips out of


schemes, he proves that he’s

Dan’s shocked and disappointed face, drowned in the


her staggering body and leaves her to Twelve, staring

now on, he’ll spare no efforts to start a fight

see it before, the texture, pattern, and the engraved characters look like true. It’s


looks at Dan with shock. The sorrow and disappointment on her perfect face

tries to say something, but fails to find the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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