Daddy, don't flirt

Chapter 373: He Already Knows the Answer

Jamie Moore fumbles around the cabin for a while, unable to find the door. She then walks to the oil lamp, to light it up. But then the ship violently shakes as the sound of the sea beating against the wood board becomes harsh.

As she is about to arrive at the oil lamp, she is flung against the board, resulting in a burst of pain in her back. The shaking lasts for about three minutes, and when Jamie Moore doesn’t feel the shaking of ship anymore, she continues on towards the lamp.

Unfortunately, the ship’s shaking just now didn’t let the oil lamp fall, since it is fixed in that place. Not able to get it out, Jamie Moore stops trying and sits down. By now, Dan William probably knows that she is missing, but when will he find her?

It has been some time since she’s disappeared, so will he be able to find her or not. As soon as this idea pops up, she immediately puts it aside. Dan William will find her. He surely will.

Jamie Moore touches the “world” on her neck, and her heart immediately settles down, making her feel as if Dan William was right next to her. Jamie Moore then realizes that besides her necklace, her watch and handbag are both gone.

Maybe those people fear her having a tracking device on her. Since the necklace is hidden under her clothes and covered by a scarf, it was not found. She isn’t sure how long after exactly, but the door finally opens, and the brightness of a flashlight shines in her eyes, making her squint at the person.

The man only puts down the food he is holding before leaving again. Jamie Moore is slightly startled. Are these people so kind as to send her food? Is there any poison in it to kill her? Thinking about her current situation, Jamie Moore finds it impossible.

These people have locked her up, and can crush her as easily as they would an ant. There was no reason to poison her. Jamie shrugs her shoulders. Since it is dark, she doesn’t know the way to the door. How can she find out where her food is?

mouth and yawns before putting down her hand in order to scoot backwards a bit so she was more comfortable. But then she touches something. Her eyes brighten

of the oil lamp. Soon after, the candle lights up the whole cabin. The

around the cabin that wasn’t small or simple. It has a simple wooden bed with a white blanket and quilt, and some

breath, Jamie Moore pushes down her nervousness and uneasiness before sitting down on the bed. As she sits down, the

This quality…

stands up before sitting down again. It probably won’t take long before it makes another creaking sound.

the board before putting her ear to it. As she listens, she can hear the sound of the sea beating against the board. Sometimes big, sometimes

had never scared her. But now, only listening to its sound was making her afraid. She immediately sits back down on the bed, and lifts the quilt before covering

effect or another reason, but Jamie Moore


which makes the flight go smoothly. Sitting in the back seat are Dan William and Bunny. In his lap, Dan William is

we spend so much time looking for her in the first place?” Bunny asks puzzled. With the locator, his mommy’s position could have been found in minutes. So why

keyboard and the icon draws closer. “If it

been a signal. It had taken about half an hour for the locator to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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