Daddy, don't flirt

Chapter 387: Why Don’t You Like Her

Compared to Ryan, Jamie is not important after all.

"Yes." Twelve says with certainty, and her eyes are sincere.

"And you are?" Jamie bites her pale lips and looks curiously at Twelve.

Twelve knows that she wants to ask who she is.

"I am his sister, and I am yours as well." she says softly, with a friendly smile.

The resident island is already in a mess.

It is late at night, and the islanders are asleep. No one has noticed that so many people have crept into the island.

At night, the Jones family is brightly lit and conspicuous in the dark.

It is bright and clear in the magnificent dazzling hall.

Dan stands up, reaches out a friendly hand to Caro and smiles at him. "Thanks for your cooperation."

Caro also shakes hands with him, much less dandy than usual. "You're Jamie's friend, I'll do you a favor," he says.

Dan raises an eyebrow. Why, he thinks, does the Caro send someone to contact him soon after he enters the island? It turns out to be because of Jamie.

It's just that he feels like his baby Jamie is being targeted.

"Thank you, Mr. Jones." Dan curls his lips slightly, his cold face looking calm, and his black eyes so deep that no one can know what he is thinking.

Caro pauses and wonders, "You thanked me for Jamie? Why thank me for her?"

feeling, but Caro till asks Dan, and if he doesn't

Jamie tell you?" Dan looks surprised, then slowly says, "I'm her

Husband, husband?!

says this. He is clearly too stunned to speak.

on his handsome face, but Dan doesn't miss the look and keeps calm.

married his baby Jamie. Otherwise, he would have had a

Even though he tells

he like

couldn't even make up a

she is already married, which no doubt deals a

the surface, but

is four years old." As if

Caro than the fact that

is not a big deal to get marry, but hearing what Dan said, he lost all

and says, "Aren't you afraid that I won't help you because of

Dan looks at him seriously. Sometimes you can tell who is a bad guy at a

came to the island. After all, it is his territory, so it would

thought it would take a lot of efforts, but Caro


eyes flicker slightly, and he says a

man is cold and handsome, and he has the aura of awe

Caro has never had. Jamie would pick him, well, it must because he is so handsome that Jamie feels ashamed to be with

finally feels much

doesn't answer him, but asks. His black eyes flashing with a playful

like someone has robbed him of tens of millions of dollars. He waves and says,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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