Daddy, don't flirt

Chapter 389: Trust No One

Jamie looks better. She looks around and closes her eyes. The sun is shining brightly but not dazzling, warm but not burning. It’s pleasant.

“You need to head outside and get more sun, which is good for recovery.” Ryan pushes her in the wheelchair to the pavilion in the yard. The servant brews the black tea and he pours her a cup.

“OK,” Jamie responds and sips the tea, looking at Ryan.

She doesn’t know the reason but she does feel something wrong with this man and doesn’t want to get close to him.

“ did I lose my memory?” Jamie looks up at Ryan. Although she feels something wrong, she needs an explanation and doesn’t want to live with a blank mind.

What happened that day comes across Ryan’s mind.

He jumped into the sea with Jamie that day and was right away saved by his men that had been arranged for them in advance. He can’t forget how she looked at him when he was trying to save her.

Scared, startled, resentful, and desperate, she pulled herself away from him determinedly and sank into the sea again.

Her last words to him were “How could it be you.”

She sounded so desperate that Ryan was blank for a second, and then she sank.

He knows at that moment Jamie was ensured that he was the mastermind behind all the things.

Actually she got suspicious while seeing him in the ship. She probably just escaped from the truth and chose to trust him. But what he did in the end confirmed her suspicion.

After Jamie fell into the ocean, he sent his people in the nearby islands and countries to look for her around the beaches. She was washed up on a beach.

He saved her, but was afraid, afraid of her questioning and disgusted look.

plotted the kidnap. To stop Dan from taking her away, he even deceived her into jumping into the

he was under control

is scared of looking at Jamie’s eyes. It will remind him of the scene where Jamie shook off his hands

ambushed by them and hit your head,


family are in France. We will

looking at him curiously, “Did

a lot,” Ryan answers without hesitation. Although he is cheating, it

“No, I guess I didn’t love you.

her memory, she still can’t be fooled and instead she

the business marriage. I love you deeply

in memory loss, can Ryan

you are in one-sided love.” Jamie feels bored these days and gets interested in this topic. “How about me?

“No. But there was a person you did

“Who is it?”

You said he was the man you hated most,” Ryan misleads

Dan William?

thinks over the name. With no reason, when she hears the name, her heart softens and a strange feeling comes over

Is this feeling hatred?

did I hate him?” Jamie

but I don’t know the details. I seldom inquired about your private affairs,” Ryan gives a smart answer to

doesn’t know his trick and

were ambushed by those people?” With a slight frown, Ryan asks when he notices Jamie’s curious look after he speaks of the name of

expected, Jamie looks at

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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